
Lava Dome Five

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Hardware checks out!

Well, good news!  It seems that opinion on the Internets(TM) is that the best thing you can do to capture old VHS tapes is to get a professional or "prosumer" VCR, which I just happen to already have.  :)  I'm using a JVC SR-V10U, which I believe qualifies as "prosumer".  :)  It has some noise reduction and picture stabilization features I'll be taking advantage of.  I think the only thing it doesn't have is time base correction, and unfortunately neither does my Canopus, but I might have a time base corrector lurking in the shadows somewhere I might use if necessary.  In any case, I will be digitizing a few short clips with various settings, see which works out best, and get my claws around what video software will be best at enhancing the episodes.


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