Lava Dome Five

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This is the story that inspired the picture by Helvetica that's in the Photo section.
06-12-2007 998 Download
File Size 4.1kB
Here's my sequel to Final Devotion...yeah, see, the last one was "Final",'s like "Final" Fantasy...yeah, okay, you get it. This one I tried to make a clever twist in...
06-11-2007 1,387 Download
File Size 37.5kB
Here's a little story I wrote to try to get my own rocks off. I found out that's a lot harder than it seems. Involves a giant god dragon destroying the world. Hey, look for the sequel! :) No, seriously...
06-11-2007 2,118 Download
File Size 25.5kB
Well, here it is. The first fan fiction I did, in a post-apocalyptic Dinosaucers-inspired world.
06-11-2007 1,600 Download
File Size 252.3kB
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