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Bears Are Godless Killing Machines

Last post 11-14-2007 2:49 PM by Yakitate. 2 replies.
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  • 11-14-2007 7:06 AM

    Bears Are Godless Killing Machines

    Hey, just thought some of you might like this, but here's an interesting video taken by Grizzly Man Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard.  Anyways, you can read the description if you look at it but here's the link.  It's a video of a pair of bears duking it out.

  • 11-14-2007 2:31 PM In reply to

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    Re: Bears Are Godless Killing Machines

    I've actually watched the film called Grizzly Man, which is about Treadwell. It was way intense.

    If it's the fight that was included in the documentary, there's poop in the clip, FYI. 

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 11-14-2007 2:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Bears Are Godless Killing Machines


    I've actually watched the film called Grizzly Man, which is about Treadwell. It was way intense.

    If it's the fight that was included in the documentary, there's poop in the clip, FYI. 


    I've never seen the movie before personally, nor did I know it existed, but yes, this must be that movie because the bear does poop.  It sounds like an interesting movie to watch.   

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