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What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

Last post 03-29-2008 3:54 PM by billythecat128. 6 replies.
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  • 03-23-2008 5:31 AM

    • Zed
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    • Vienna
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    What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....



    Yeah... well... you know how it is.... ^^; 

    Yeah... yeah.... "Ooooh.... aaaaah" : This is how it always starts. and theres the running... and screaming
  • 03-23-2008 3:57 PM In reply to

    Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    That is gorgeous and sexy and heartwarming all at the same time.  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 03-23-2008 5:03 PM In reply to

    • Giran
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    Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    C'mon zed, lick the bottom of this scaly toe, FUCK THIS GEORGEUS SCALY TOE... do it for us :_)

  • 03-23-2008 8:19 PM In reply to

    • Sprotchymon
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    Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    Well, this is positively spectacular. Shading and texture are one thing, not to imply your skill at such is nothing short of awesome, but the three-dimensional curves emphasizing muscle and bone under the scales adds to the realism in ways never before imagined.

    I only have one issue with this piece. We are as close to the ground as the *murrrr* subject matter, so why is it blurred so heavily? If you can make desert sand anywhere as realistic as your scale textures, by all means show it in pure unfiltered glory!

    I wish I could be more active here, but I'm too busy drawing furry for Concession to draw scaly here...
    Thread for Comissions (Nothing to show for it yet, but I doodle every day to build confidence)
  • 03-24-2008 12:03 AM In reply to

    Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    Blink GOD! I must agree with Sprotchymon, the details are quite spectacular, it looks almost real! Woot

    Dang, those paws are fantastic and I must agree with Giran, if I would be you, I'd lick them and fuck them hard! Devil

    Marvellous work! 

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 03-24-2008 1:13 PM In reply to

    • Zed
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    • Vienna
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    Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    Well... thanks for the comments, guys! ^^


    Sprotchymon... you're right... did notice that too now... I'll try to keep that in mind for my next pic... ;) 

    Yeah... yeah.... "Ooooh.... aaaaah" : This is how it always starts. and theres the running... and screaming
  • 03-29-2008 3:54 PM In reply to

    Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    MRAWR! ^^
    I'd hug a paw any day! X3
    All that stomping must make the Foot-soles very soft and smexy... MRAWR!! X3

    if "great mess" == false; {
    var "stomp" == true;
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