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lavadome five drawing

Last post 08-10-2007 11:13 AM by Patch. 10 replies.
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  • 07-26-2007 4:37 PM

    lavadome five drawing

    Ok ive had an idea for a nice picture if anyones interested ok this picture everyone contributes for example someone starts it off eg me i draw my character then send the next person the file to add there character drawing on there etc i think it would make a nice little grp drawing everyones characters all togehter i know some ppl will be thinking well i cant draw but im sure some ppl would happily draw your character for you let me know what you think of my idea thx



    Fastest thing alive
  • 07-26-2007 7:57 PM In reply to

    Re: lavadome five drawing

     Nice... but what for people that don't have a character... like me?

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 07-30-2007 12:28 AM In reply to

    • Gizmo
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    Re: lavadome five drawing

    i think it sounds like a cool idea... but who decides where everyone is going to stand and how'll they'll pose.... guess it'll just be a kinda evolving pic 

    Child - "Mommy mommy look at the giant cute fox!"
    Mother- "Sure honey... HOLY (insert words here)"
  • 07-30-2007 2:03 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: lavadome five drawing

    Sure, why not. Have fun. Smile

    I doubt I'll be able to contribute though, can hardly draw at all, and not digitally at all, and I even guess that goes for the majority of the forum users.

    But I'm none the less looking forward to it. Sounds like a fun idea. 

  • 07-30-2007 4:31 PM In reply to

    Re: lavadome five drawing

    Glad you all like the idea and if u dont have a character can always put your name in the picture im gonna draw my character soon and send the file to RRREX if he wants to add then we will pass it around
    Fastest thing alive
  • 07-30-2007 11:09 PM In reply to

    Re: lavadome five drawing

     Well... I can draw a macro dragon if you want, but I'm not a very good drawer...

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 07-30-2007 11:51 PM In reply to

    Re: lavadome five drawing

    yeah that sounds like a good idea!

     theres also something we could do: we could each send drawings that are done via windows live messenger cause theres an option to draw your messege as well as type. by your avator on msn messenger, theres a A and pen icon. click on the pen icon, pull up on the dotted line just above the smiley option so you can draw more! and then click on the A again to go back to typing.  ive tried it once. works fine. downside it wont be amazing but hey its quick and easy!

    what do u think?

    "ive spent a long time waiting in the background. but its all cool, cause im definetly back now"

    tim deluxe-let the beats roll
  • 07-31-2007 12:36 AM In reply to

    Re: lavadome five drawing

    sure but i cant draw on the pc so ill be drawing by hand lol


    Fastest thing alive
  • 07-31-2007 9:14 AM In reply to

    Re: lavadome five drawing

    cool ok! im planning to buy a printer and scanner so i can put some hand drawn art onto my laptop. so expect some more art soon! just dont expect much he he!
    "ive spent a long time waiting in the background. but its all cool, cause im definetly back now"

    tim deluxe-let the beats roll
  • 08-08-2007 9:11 AM In reply to

    • ESC
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    Re: lavadome five drawing

    I need to buy a scanner sooner that I thought...

    Aside from that, I need to find my MS Paint (where'd it go?)

  • 08-10-2007 11:13 AM In reply to

    • Patch
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: lavadome five drawing

    If you're running XP, ESC, it'll be in under C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
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