Here, my little friend. I caught you doing what you enjoy most during your private time. Not that it`s bugging me. Go on, it should be like that. Help me squishing all humans. *g*PARTY TIME
Lol! Very nice! Poor man being squished!
Very nice, indeed!
Ooh, what a nice and shiny evil Talon.
Impressive dark medieval atmosphere, too. *has never seen Talon do THAT.. *
See, Blue? Am I surprising? Am I evil? Yes, I am!;)
But I`m not doing that too often, true. That kind of fun is over a bit too fast, so I prefer doing my usual techniques instead.^^
VERY HOT RENDER! X3*drools and murrs* ^^
Hehehe, Thanks you all^^
Talon smushing someone OMFG call the faibanx police... what? ... no police... then how about the military... none of them either huh.... ummm nvr mind then