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LD5 Dream

Last post 03-16-2008 9:52 PM by Patch. 9 replies.
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  • 09-10-2007 12:14 PM

    • Patch
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    LD5 Dream

    I'm at the base of a big, smoking, glowing-with-lava volcano. I'm speaking to some expert about some items that I stole from the volcano, and what I have to do to return them, or else its spirit will get all angry or whatever. A jackolantern-like face appears to me out of the rock and a void opens for me to return one of the objects. I cast it in, and start to ascend the smoking mountain to return the rest of my booty, accompanied by a(n actually) long moved-away friend of mine, Scott.

    The whole way up is awfully videogame-like, with swinging spikies, and narrow bridges with orange lava below. We eventually reach the final bridge and get to a door. When I try to open the door one of the M&M's characters pops out, directly in our path, not allowing us to progress further. We can push and pull them forward and back along the bridge, but can't get past. Every subsequent attempt to open the door by reaching over them switches the character out for another one. We cycle through all of the various characters (red, yellow, cool blue, orange crispy, girly green) and eventually this banana-character (called Mr. Banana, apparently) appears infrontof the door.

    I'm able to pick up the figure up, and squeeze him in my hand and then release to suck up the rest of the characters by the stem that block the door each time I try to open it. We gain entry into a room that has the green, red, and blue Lavadome -symbol on the carpet. The boxes of toys and general appearance of the front part of the room tells that it's a daycare center. We walk through the room and I suck up some random stuff using Mr. Banana, eventually dropping it as it gets to full with stuff to carry easily. The room is semicircular, with several single steps up as we continue. We eventually reach the far wall and see a beautifully done mural on it of an anthro crested dino, and another herbivore of some sort, both macro, partaking in some anal in a canyon.

    There's a speaker on the wall with a button below it. It plays a recorded message that details the layout of the building, and where to find the various areas. It states how to get to the area we're looking for. When we turn to go through that door, we see another mural of our macro crested dino again, posing sexily, while leaning against the canyon wall. To one side we see the door to get out of the room onto one side of the actual canyon itself.


    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 09-12-2007 12:02 AM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Dream

    Wow, what a funky and cool dream!  That's some fine thought processes there.  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 09-12-2007 2:16 AM In reply to

    • matlafro
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    Re: LD5 Dream

    WOW!! you must have let your subconsious run wild that night.

    my dreams are usually well rounded to one thing.

  • 11-03-2007 9:22 AM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Dream

    This dream seems to be filled with doors and things that you must get passed to move on to another problem.  Sounds like you were on your way to finish your task and have to fun on the way if you know what I mean. lol.   If you can't go around them, eat them or crush them. LOL!  I love that!  Thats very funny too.  Anyways I had one dream that was as crazy as that but this I must say is really crazy.  If I was going to put this this in a poll I would rate this thing a 9 out of 10 for crazy dreams.  Lets hope you have another one or maybe you contiue the dream and finish it.  Everyone should post dreams!  I think I will start posting my dreams up even if they are bad ones.   Cheers!

    The Power of One. It begins with believing and it starts in the heart and flows thought the soul and changes the world.
  • 11-14-2007 2:27 PM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: LD5 Dream

    'Had another one last night. The first section might not make sense until you read the second section.

     In this one first there was some part where I was looking at a screenshot from the new FEAR/Area51 Blacksite (they're the same game in my mind) and was apparently all experienced with the logistics of the game in that the agents (the goodguys) all wear these big mechanical rigs that have extra guns that do their own point defense, and pick up weapons and ammo for the player, and also have several scopes that allow the player to see approachers from above and behind and also over cover too (like in fucker Ghost Recon). The player can switch off the scopes to keep them from getting damaged in combat, and the player in the shot (viewed from 3rd person) had all his extra scopes turned off and was getting attacked from two sides and pending a third from some flying critter. I remember making comments about how owned and a newb he was.

    Next I was at my house, scheduled to meet Gizmo for a roleplay-session on Faibanx. In the dream, he lived in my town on Alta Vista, which was just up the street from me. I decided that instead of getting online, I'd just get my computer and go and conduct from his house. This would be the first time that I'd met any of the LD5-crew in person, so I ofcourse wanted to look my best. I threw on some Tripp bottoms and some snowboarding boots, and then a black hoodie, and my long drover on top of that (it must've been really cold outside?) I put the hood up, and also tied my hair back for some reason. I packed up my machine and started walking up the street. I knew vaguely where the house was, and realized that I wouldn't be able to recognize G if I saw him, so hoped he'd recognize me. (It didn't make much sense.) I saw a pair of redheaded kids playing outside near the sidewalk, and so put on my default angry glare, while I was trying to somehow intuitively figure out what G would actually look like in person. I also checked my own appearance (my computer bag had suddenly turned into wunna the rigs from the screenshot.) I used a scope on it as one would a mirror (only instead with a video-feed) and noticed that I had a black eye (like my character does, only mine was a bruise, not a marking) and that I somehow looked both impossibly pale, and also part black (as in ethnically) at the same time.


    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 11-14-2007 11:49 PM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Dream

    Wow. Most fun I have had with my dreams are the ones where I can fly like a dragon. Those are extra fun when I realize I am dreaming, and I can cut loose and have fun in ways I cant in reality. Devil
  • 11-18-2007 5:55 PM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Dream


    when i dream i am a black dragon that well is like my avatar if it shows
  • 11-19-2007 1:47 AM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Dream

    Last night I dreamed I had breakfast with Patrick Stewart.  Rather unrelated, I know, but I felt like posting it anyway.  The funny thing was he was in English king mode and talking with me about how he had to go to war with France. 

  • 11-25-2007 12:43 PM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Dream

    I just had a dream.  Not just any dream but a epiphany type dream.   I learned alot during the dream too.  (1) One part is not to fall asleep when you are going to be a part of something specail.  Listen and learn, form the things around you, understand yourself and explore the unexplored.   (2) When talking to an actor about being more active and being more like actor in something like Star Trek.  (No, not star wars)  The set was a star trek like setup.  What ship or station I don't know.  It was very cool.  I think I was trying to be a captain or 2nd in command but an action type.   I wish I could show you!  (3) Also it ended like this, I was running around and went to climb a tree when Zoboomafoo... that right Zoboomafoo was in the tree and talked to me about being who you want to be.  Be what you want to be.  I want to be "Dragon" of course.  I then smiled and thanked him.  Then I woke up. 

    I then got up instead of wrighting it all down, I went for one of those 2 1/2 mile walks were you think about your life and stuff.   I wish I got up right away and wrote it down because there was way more details and many more parts of the dream.  And Yes, it was one dream in a loop of learning.  It was amazing.... I learn more about myself in that dream then I have in the past 10 years of my life.  Cheers!

    The Power of One. It begins with believing and it starts in the heart and flows thought the soul and changes the world.
  • 03-16-2008 9:52 PM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: LD5 Dream

    - A few more dreams that I've had in the past two nights or so -

    I'm on a spacestation, and I enter some restricted area, knowing that dire consequences await if I make it clear that I'm going in on purpose. A little kid sees me right as I'm going through the wide doorway into what's essentially a lobby with a very high ceiling and a short, clean maroon carpet with a reception-desk and then a bunch of cubicles farther on.

    Some guys get up from their desks and walk down the center hall through the cubicles toward me, saying nothing, as if to simply scare me back out by doing that. When they see I'm not going to leave that easily we start fighting, and I eventually transform into this huge moose morph and start trashing the place. When I'm about halfway done this do-rag'd guy shows up to stop me, over the period that I'm messing everything up beyond repair, I've lost a lot of size, and I'm now maybe a foot taller than he is. I know I'm totally screwed at this point, and essentially tell him to make it quick.

    He grabs me by the thoat and it takes him a few seconds to break my neck (it hurts like a bitch, too.) Everything goes dark, but to my surprise, I only lose my vision, and proceed to beat the shit out of my assailant with my free hand/fist/paw. I see a brief 3rd-person view of him lying on the floor, head disconnected, with a bunch of wires running from his neck back to his body — apparently an andoid...


    I'm playing as Fox against Captain Falcon (in Brawl) in a special type of match in which there's essentially a secret objective that gets revealed at the end of the match, when the round-time expires. We're fighting away and time finally runs out.

    The objective is revealed that the winner is whoever collected the most of those useless little floatey slip things that appear randomly. The catch ofcourse is that a set of vaults appear, and each of us has to navigate a maze with obstacles, inorderto redeem the slips that we collected during the round. I can only see myself as I race into this bedroom, where the container is either on or under the blue-douveyed bed that's sitting against the wall. I'm go to open it, and see one slip come out, when the screen splits, and I see Captain Falcon standing by his vault, with a bunch of slips flying out into the air like confetti. I gulp as I start shrinking.

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
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