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Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

Last post 11-16-2007 5:20 PM by Dinosorceror. 17 replies.
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  • 06-16-2007 9:55 AM

    Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Well, since we're starting the LD5 website and forums anew, how about for giggles we have a poll as to if/how you've seen the old cartoon show Dinosaucers that inspired this site 13 years ago?

    When did you first see an episode of Dinosaucers?


    • I first saw it on broadcast TV (40%)
    • I first saw it on cable on The Family Channel (0%)
    • I first saw it on cable on USA Network's Dino-Power Hour (15%)
    • I first saw it on cable on another channel (0%)
    • I first saw it on the Internet after I downloaded an episode (5%)
    • I haven't ever seen a Dinosaucers episode (40%)
    • Total Votes: 20

    I suppose that I should also mention that today, June 16th, is Fern Day.  All violence is forbidden for 24 hours.  Yes, not even stomping!

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 06-18-2007 9:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

     Dino, good lord.  You're showing your age, you know.  Dinosaucers was first aired back in the 80's, wasn't it?  And I mean pre-Thundercats and Transformers 80's too, I think!


    That's been like, 20 years ago! Roll Eyes


    But it was a marginally good show.  Poor animation and absolutely crappy writers I think was its demise.  There were just too many other cartoons on at the time that were better.


    And I mean lots better. Plain   In fact, I think LavaDomeFive has far outgrown that original and outdated concept.  Geesh, like, you must have a mind like a steel trap or something.


    But then, we like what we like.  But heh, I can just see you with your fudge pop sitting in front of the TV and getting secret boners while Dinosaucers were on -- and your mom wondering, "My son is so smart.  How can he possibly like a show that dumb?"


    Guess it also means you're easy to please, Dino.


    I like that. Smile 

  • 06-22-2007 9:26 AM In reply to

    • ESC
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    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    I haven't watched any of the DInosaucers episodes at all. :( I need to watch some more TV in my life. geez

  • 06-24-2007 8:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Funny, I could have sworn I posted here before. *shrugs*

     Anyways yeah I remember watching Dinosaucers when I was little, vaguely unfortunatly. But I remember it was one of my favorite shows. If I remember right, I used to watch it on the USA Dino Power Hour.

  • 06-24-2007 11:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Yes...the USA Dino-Power Hour gave me my best VHS copies of the series...except that some episodes were time compressed and/or edited.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 06-26-2007 9:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

     I first saw Dinosaucers on broadcast tv before there was cable, in the 80's I stayed home from school and enjoyed it, I think that was before I made messes while "enjoying" it, set the wayback machine to pre-pubescent, I drempt of and daydreamed of dinosaucers finding me irl, sadly, it never happened.

  • 06-26-2007 10:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Oh...didn't it?  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 08-20-2007 1:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    I've seen Dinosaucers (in germany it was called Astro Dinos). I was a huge fan, of that series. I watched all episodes. I still have some episodes on VHS.

     But today i like Extreme Dinosaurs more than Dinosaucers.

  • 08-20-2007 11:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Lemme guess -- 'cause it had more meat-eating type dinos?  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 08-21-2007 1:55 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

     Well, sure i'm a theropod fan! I like Dshingis Rex and Allo.

    What i was really missing in dinosaucers was a pilot episode, or a background story. Why did they come to the earth? How did they met the human teenagers? Many unanswered questions!

    I personally think the Ex-Di characters have a lot more charisma and they are looking better. I also like to see a T-Rex as a good guy. Thats a rare thing!  T-Bone is also one of my personal heros!

    And Bad Rap is really one of the best cartoon bad asses, i've ever seen. Smile

  • 08-21-2007 10:30 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Well one has to admit as nice and big and strong as the Dinosaucers (or Tyrannos) are, they are all rather lethargic and pretty dense whenever the thin plot thinks it is fun to have them not get the most simple things. (Makes one wonder who something that dumb can build and operate all that fancy space age technology.) The also talk much more than actually even using their bodily superioty, even more so than Ramsis, and that threatening talk of the bad guys is always lame, at best threatening to bore someone to death. (At least the dubbed one was, but the english episode I saw didnt immediately kick ass more.) While the dinos in Extrem Dinosaurs are all wild and agile and smugly using their bodily attributes and look less pudgy, some looking actually rather attractive whereas the Dinosaucers look rather plump. Though they are still pretty emberassing a lot of the time too.. But I can understand the preference of the latter, especially on a quick glance.

    But when most of the folks here became Dinosaucers fans, there wasnt any Extreme Dinosaurs yet, nor was there to be for another decade or two. Smile

  • 08-22-2007 6:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Well one has to admit as nice and big and strong as the Dinosaucers (or Tyrannos) are, they are all rather lethargic and pretty dense whenever the thin plot thinks it is fun to have them not get the most simple things. (Makes one wonder who something that dumb can build and operate all that fancy space age technology.)

    That's true. And that was a thing i really disliked too.


    While the dinos in Extrem Dinosaurs are all wild and agile and smugly using their bodily attributes and look less pudgy, some looking actually rather attractive whereas the Dinosaucers look rather plump. Though they are still pretty emberassing a lot of the time too..

    Well, uhm... nobody is perfect.

    But when most of the folks here became Dinosaucers fans, there wasnt any Extreme Dinosaurs yet, nor was there to be for another decade or two.

    Yep! If i still remember correctly, it was in ' 92 or ' 93 when Dinosaucers was first broadcasted in germany.


  • 09-17-2007 5:35 PM In reply to

    • Astor
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    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Holy hadrosaurs!  Has it really been almost 20 years since I saw Dinosaucers?  The Dino Power Hour on USA was....early 1990s.  So no, that would be under 20 years right now.  Phew.  Not totally old yet!  Of course, I WAS a kid when that was on, so maybe it's not so unusual.  :)

    Hmm, I still have 4 commercial Dinosaucers tapes, a couple episodes on generic VHS, and every single episode (twice over) on DVDs ripped by different folks.  The audio is horrible, and so is the picture, and sometimes both, but it's watchable...y'know, since SOMEone will never get around to digitizing the episodes like he's been saying since 1997.  ;)  Har har har!  I'm incorrigible.

  • 09-17-2007 10:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Maybe if I were trapped between toes with digitizing equipment...  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 09-22-2007 12:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    there are dinosaucers episodes in you tube, ALL the episodes are there so.... enjoy!!

    Now i have dinosaucers and extreme dinosaurs complete. its a great year to meBig Smile

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