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About your past thread...^^

Last post 10-18-2007 2:25 AM by Tearyel. 49 replies.
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  • 09-28-2007 6:49 AM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

     Interesting Dinosorceror.  I didn't know that.  Just out of curiosity, is there some sort of cost or subscription or something to use that?  Is it an actual phone number you call or something?

  • 09-28-2007 8:23 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Wow! How do we do that?! Hmm...I wonder who I will call?XD! Maybe the first guys I met? Can we text?XD

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 09-30-2007 12:39 PM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Dinoboy - there are lots of furry conventions in the UK like ConFuzzled, Britfur, or RBW. Or if you happen to be near London there's also a group called the London Furs who go out to a pub or somewhere together once a week, so how'bout you quit yer' bitchin'?

    I'll admit that the Philippines, at least to my knowledge, are a different story.

    On the definition of 'furry' -- 'furry' can be and is commonly used to describe 'anthro,' and anthro can be used to describe scaly, so unless you're a strict non-anthro herp, you get auto-grouped with the furries, like it or not.

    On voicechatting -- yep. LD5 has a phone-system, but it's behind a Hazy Shroud of Mystery(™), and no-one has yet cracked the code to its use.

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 09-30-2007 7:50 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    I dont think there will be a furry convention here in the phillipines...I dont think other people even know what macro furrie or lavadome or even have the slightest idea about podo or voraphilia is. *sigh* Just too bad though...since most fillipino's are pretty much addicted to X, cigarettes, porn, beer, betting, which make a rich man poor. Too bad they don't know what they are missing.XD!

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 10-01-2007 4:11 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Yakitate:  Cost?  Pssh, yeah, like I'd start charging for LD5 services.  ;)  Well, maybe I should start setting up stomp or slipper time charges or something...

    Anyway, the LD5 phone system does connect to the real world phone system, but only through a single phone line.  Technically, you could use it to make local calls to Anchorage, Alaska.  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 10-01-2007 4:41 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

     WTF!?!?!? QUIT MY BITCHING?  heres a thought how bout you shove that comment up your fucking arse. i know theres conventions in the UK dumbass i know theres not as much as usa but for one i would have no one to go with cos most of you are all so far up your fucking arse thinking your better than everyone else if we aint a good artist you dont wanna get to know us.

    I said i wont be able to make it to conventions as i would need to tell my parents im going on a holiday or to see a friend and they would want pictures. so dont go thinking your better than me or being a complete twat in sayin a remark like that.



    Fastest thing alive
  • 10-01-2007 8:28 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Woah, woah...please guys don't start flamming one another...I dont want you to burn each other....who wants to eat a charcoled donkey and a charcoled Dino?>.<! Please stop?


    To Dino

    So, how do we use this phone?^^! What do we dial?^^

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 10-02-2007 2:26 AM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    fine then.. but i dont stand for people being like that with me for no reason
    Fastest thing alive
  • 10-02-2007 8:01 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: About your past thread...^^

    There are cons in Britain? Well, all the brits I know always said there aren't any because noone ever gets anything organized. The brits who really want a con usually end up going to Eurofrurence in raptorland. Like most of the rest of europe.

    But as to those you mentioned Patch, *look them up, curious* britfur now leads to a car insurance page, and is obviously dead. WikiFur tells us this: . Confuzzled has still to ever be yet, but maybe the brits are lucky this time. ( ) RBW (Red Blue and White) has been held once as it reads, and maybe it will become a moderately sized con this year ( ). So... who knows, maybe there will be an established furry con or two in britain soon ( like I said, I find the whole furry thind IS frighteningly spreading ), but you cant blame anyone for not having heard of those. They dont apprear in the lists I usually check yet at least.

    In general, as was the starting point of this discussion, if you want to meet lots of folks from a certain group, like those from around LD5, going to a con of a few dozen people on the edge of the world will of course not help you. Smile
    Here are some stats of world cons, as gathered by Wikifur:

    And please, no snapping at each other here. This is not your average stupid internet forum, k?

    Filed under: ,
  • 10-02-2007 8:15 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Well said Blue.^^! So...$40 for the transportation and $500 for everything mom will be suspicious if I go.XD! Its just too bad.^^

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 10-03-2007 10:07 AM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    I was just thinking about this small added topic, but has anyone ever thought of telling their parents they're a furry?  For some reason that always seems to be a taboo.  I've personally always wondered how my parents would take it if I were to tell them.  Probably take it as though I were telling them I'm gay I'd suppose.  Just kind of wondering on everyone's opinion on that. 

  • 10-04-2007 7:56 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    I agree with you Yakitate...its like saying that your gay or something...but I think there are no gays or tom boys if your a furry or a paw fetish right? Or maybe they might think your crazy. Well for me, I wont tell them...I dont think they care.XD

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 10-07-2007 4:37 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Well, for what it's worth, I think both my parents died without knowing exactly how funky I was.  I don't consider that a problem, though.  The world that I lived in with my parents is pretty much separate from the world I've made on my own, so I don't have any problem with them being separate.  However, at the same time, I really don't think that I'm "keeping it secret" or anything either.  But since they're not really involved in the world, I'm happy with the way things are with my brother and sister -- they're aware of how funky I am, but it's just not soemthing we talk about.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 10-09-2007 8:06 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    Yeah, its hard for it, if the ones you told about what you are, just dont understand you.>.>

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 10-11-2007 3:32 PM In reply to

    Re: About your past thread...^^

    What's there to understand?  Liking giant claws ain't rocket science.  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
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