There are cons in Britain? Well, all the brits I know always said there aren't any because noone ever gets anything organized. The brits who really want a con usually end up going to Eurofrurence in raptorland. Like most of the rest of europe.
But as to those you mentioned Patch, *look them up, curious* britfur now leads to a car insurance page, and is obviously dead. WikiFur tells us this: . Confuzzled has still to ever be yet, but maybe the brits are lucky this time. ( ) RBW (Red Blue and White) has been held once as it reads, and maybe it will become a moderately sized con this year ( ). So... who knows, maybe there will be an established furry con or two in britain soon ( like I said, I find the whole furry thind IS frighteningly spreading ), but you cant blame anyone for not having heard of those. They dont apprear in the lists I usually check yet at least.
In general, as was the starting point of this discussion, if you want to meet lots of folks from a certain group, like those from around LD5, going to a con of a few dozen people on the edge of the world will of course not help you. 
Here are some stats of world cons, as gathered by Wikifur:
And please, no snapping at each other here. This is not your average stupid internet forum, k?