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Yet another new dino toy

Last post 10-21-2007 9:33 AM by Dinosorceror. 3 replies.
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  • 10-20-2007 1:15 PM

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    Yet another new dino toy

    I just tiredly stumbled over this when checking stuff I usually chack...

    it looks like a littke plushy bronti tiy and says it reacts to scritches..

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  • 10-20-2007 8:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Yet another new dino toy

    Nice! Woot But unfortunately, I don't think this Pleo will be programmed to give... hem, sexual satisfaction, you know? Big Smile

    But, anyway, this little dino is sooo cute, but with that price, I don't think I'll buy one... Really interesting though.

    There's something sad: I don't want the future to have much artificial pets to love like this one. I mean, nothing can change a "real" pet, even if dinosaurs or dragons don't exist. Robots aren't "alive", they don't have "emotions". They have, however, some kind of artificial emotions, but... you know, I don't think it's the same feeling. What would you say about that?

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 10-20-2007 10:35 PM In reply to

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    Re: Yet another new dino toy

    Of course a robot toy can and must not replaceme a real animal. Just as a pet's emotions can not replace a human's ones although many use them for that.

    As for the pleasing... well it IS some sort of dino plushie, not? Wink

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  • 10-21-2007 9:33 AM In reply to

    Re: Yet another new dino toy

    Pleo is super cute, and therefore must be twisted around to nefarious purposes.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
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