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DripDry's Paws

Last post 11-08-2007 9:15 AM by DragonsPeace. 6 replies.
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  • 10-20-2007 10:49 PM

    DripDry's Paws

    Oh yes, I'm back in the business of making pretty footpaws for people,   These set belong to my newest model 'DripDry' a comissioned character model by Herro, off DA.

      I took my time refineing this pic for everyone here's pleasure.

    PS, why can't this forum just allow for the direct upload of pics, I'm gettin tired of havin to use offsite links.

    So sayeth the Humie luver.
    Flappy panel gearbox, 4000 quid?, you'd have to have a flappy panel head!
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  • 10-21-2007 6:23 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: DripDry's Paws


    Oh yes, I'm back in the business of making pretty footpaws for people,   These set belong to my newest model 'DripDry' a comissioned character model by Herro, off DA.

      I took my time refineing this pic for everyone here's pleasure.
    for those without a furaffinity account or who dont want to log in


    PS, why can't this forum just allow for the direct upload of pics, I'm gettin tired of havin to use offsite links.

    Because the forum software doesnt feature that option.

    But Dino can make a 'photos' gallery for everyone. Smile

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  • 10-21-2007 9:38 AM In reply to

    Re: DripDry's Paws

    Sure, just upload your picture to the Uploads gallery, or I can make you your own, like other artists have requested.

    Of course, you could just post it to the gallery and have the discussion there, which is what it's designed to do.

    So should I bitch about how I couldn't even see the FurAffinity link because it bitched that I wasn't allowed to see the picture?  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 10-23-2007 1:06 AM In reply to

    Re: DripDry's Paws

    well good news. I finally got around to figuring out how the forum's photo upload works.

    So sayeth the Humie luver.
    Flappy panel gearbox, 4000 quid?, you'd have to have a flappy panel head!
  • 11-06-2007 6:19 PM In reply to

    Re: DripDry's Paws

    The feet look great.  Looks almost or is maya...... I just went through your DA stuff and it all rules!  Your really good!  I hope to see more in the future cheers!  Big Smile  I put you on my watch list!  Yes

    The Power of One. It begins with believing and it starts in the heart and flows thought the soul and changes the world.
  • 11-07-2007 2:55 AM In reply to

    Re: DripDry's Paws


    well, really almost 3 years worth of 3D modelling experience as well as an undying ambition are to account for what I've made,  I'm very glad that you like my work.  I get the notion you're a 3D modeller to an extent too, is this true?
    So sayeth the Humie luver.
    Flappy panel gearbox, 4000 quid?, you'd have to have a flappy panel head!
  • 11-08-2007 9:15 AM In reply to

    Re: DripDry's Paws

    Yes, I know 3D Max Studio and Maya but its been a while.  But.... I am a bit out of practice.  LOL I guess I could download a demo and see what I can do.....  I also have 3 years of 3D modelling experience but I was dumb enough to stop.........  I mostly forgot most of the programs by now.  What ever you do don't stop work with those programs....  Cool  And yet I have nothing to show you....  all my stuff was nuked by a virus 6 months ago.... cheers....

    The Power of One. It begins with believing and it starts in the heart and flows thought the soul and changes the world.
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