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Unable to connect...

Last post 11-23-2007 7:37 PM by Dinosorceror. 7 replies.
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  • 11-11-2007 1:31 AM

    Unable to connect...

    I can't acess the muck... iono why... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 11-11-2007 10:21 PM In reply to

    • Haxx
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    Re: Unable to connect...

    Did you change anything recently on your computer?  and...when did you last connect? 

  • 11-11-2007 11:52 PM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: Unable to connect...

    How about some more info -- like: which MUCK or IRC -client are you using, what error-message specifically is that program giving you, and can you connect to other MUCKs? Also maybe check to see if the Windows Firewall is on, (if you're using a Windows that supports it) and maybe turn it off and get SyGate or something else that's cooler than the defaulty Windows Firewall.
    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 11-12-2007 6:44 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Unable to connect...

    Eek, sorry Odarious. We just only recently recalled what a nice plushie you can be when the topic came up... : /

    Unless the computer you use blocks the MUCK port you try to use (standard 8888) or you changed the 'worlds' infos in your MUCK client or simply remember your password wrong, I have no idea what could cause it, as the MUCK runs as good as it always did.
    In the first and third case I recommend sending the Dinosorceror a message as he likely still knows which password you requested when teh account was created and knows which other ports work for the Faibanx too.

    Hope to see you back on soon!

    Filed under: ,
  • 11-14-2007 6:33 AM In reply to

    Re: Unable to connect...

    Well, Odarious, I was actually wondering why I hadn't seen you in a while.  Assuming you're still using the same client (MuckClient 3.42) that you gave to me, I can give you my setup info to make sure your's is still the same since I can still connect to Faibanx.

    Let's see....

     HostName/IP Address (

    Port (8888)

    That's about all you really need.... unless you forgot your name and password... though the latter is more likely if either.

    Hope that helps. 

  • 11-15-2007 10:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Unable to connect...

    Thanks to all who helped! I just got my new laptop, so all is good! Prepare to be terrorized my miniminotaur cuteness daily! *morphs to his plushie form* Cyoote enuff?

  • 11-17-2007 3:28 AM In reply to

    • maksio5
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    Re: Unable to connect...

    well whatever the reason was...I! yeah, just so its not dino to blame for once :p
    Always knew i didn't belong in this world. I wasn't made for this. But I'll never forget- those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust. I'll be carrying nothing but this lesson: never trust anyone and rely on your instincts. Forget the past. I'll never find peace here. So, I'll seek justice for myself. I'll choose the truth I like.
  • 11-23-2007 7:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Unable to connect...

    Aw, but a day without blaming me for something going wrong?  That's just not right!  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
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