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another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

Last post 11-25-2007 1:11 AM by Blue. 3 replies.
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  • 11-22-2007 1:17 AM

    • Blue
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    • Joined on 06-09-2007
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    another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

    Another thing I did at the recent anthrocon (and the last, so dont worry). I wanted to doodle Tyrnn, who made my stay at the con possible at all, and always (at least until then) needing some dumb joke as excuse to doodle something...
    Well we were staying at the Omni. I heard we would have stayed at the Westin ( 'the con hotel' ), but it was full. Lots of macros, hotel full, haha. There was the dumb joke I needed. Tyrnn was then supposed to hold something big  in his hand that he uses as a makeshift suitcase. So that it is funny. While the hotel is as full as it can get with macros around.

    Sadly it didnt get past being a sketch for a sketch, I tried to make it a proper sketch as you an see on the bottom half, but it just didnt want to turn out, magically, like those others did.

    Filed under: ,
  • 11-22-2007 9:24 PM In reply to

    Re: another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

    Well, even if it's "just a sketch", Blue, I still like to see the stuff your spoogy mind comes up with!

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 11-24-2007 4:01 PM In reply to

    Re: another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

    HAHA!  Laughing  Thats too funny,  Nice picture.  The second one looks more 3d ish.  Great job, also I totally get the joke.  Wink

    The Power of One. It begins with believing and it starts in the heart and flows thought the soul and changes the world.
  • 11-25-2007 1:11 AM In reply to

    • Blue
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-09-2007
    • Raptorland
    • Posts 230

    Re: another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

    Hehe, thanks. Glad you appreciate. Smile

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