
Lava Dome Five

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Hey everybody

Last post 12-04-2007 10:57 AM by Giran. 12 replies.
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  • 11-23-2007 10:31 AM

    • 5-D
    • Top 75 Contributor
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    Hey everybody

     Sorry its taken me so long to post here after signing up, but this board seems a bit dead at the moment, I wasn't sure if anybody was still coming here. I'd post a link to my stuff on fa so you can see what i'm about, but the website is down at the moment I'm posting this :/

    Anyway, congratulate me on my first ever internet boards post!

  • 11-23-2007 12:32 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Hey everybody

    Woo! We are double-honoured then! Big Smile
    Glad you made it, welcome to the dome. *raptahugs*

    Dont worry, it just inst so overly active here. Many of the folks still prefer to lurk anonymously I guess. Some too shy yet to openly admit that they like things that less than 99% of the fandom (TM) enjoy, or even talk about it, most likely, or just too shy yet in general. I cannot blame them, I started out lurking for many years too, afraid to create an account anywhere as I had no private internet access back then. I totally depended on places that had stuff for free. (and I still like those Smile)

  • 11-23-2007 7:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody

    Hey, nice to see you around, 5-D!  Blue was all excited to show us your work, and I can see's really nice!  And you seem to enjoy the same kinda things we do.

     And yes, because I've had a deplorable lack of "free time" these past...well, few years, things are a bit slow.  But I'm hoping to generate some excitement with some fun holiday events.

     So your website is down?  If you have host problems, I'd be happy to host a website on the LD5 servers.  We have five nines of uptime.  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 11-23-2007 9:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody

    What? 5-D here? I can't believe it! Woot

    Welcome here dude! Your art is sooo nice! You're really a very talented guy! Cool

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 11-24-2007 7:47 PM In reply to

    • 5-D
    • Top 75 Contributor
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    Re: Hey everybody


    oops, meant Fur Affinity is down, I don't actually have my own website. I still don't have enough finished art to justify anything like that, its really nice of you to offer hosting though, thanks :)
  • 11-24-2007 10:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody

    Welcome to the forums 5-D.^^! Too bad FA is offline.>.>

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 11-24-2007 11:40 PM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: Hey everybody

    No huge shortage of users around, really, just not much to go on about. Maybe they should do another CSI -episode that has furries in it. Then we'll be buzzin'... nevermind, 'Domers don't really do drama either. In that case maybe good 'ol Steve should hurry up with Jurassic Park 4 already.

    I'm thinkin' it's just one of those times of year where goddamn 'RL'™ is getting in the way of people bein' really active here ATM, (I know it certainly is for me) however they'll pick up again I'm sure. (I'll also take this moment to chastise Blue and Dino for their ever-growing addictions to the Crackton©, may they someday take up a lesser addiction in its stead, let's say, oh, crystal meth, maybe?)

    Anyway 5-D, welcome to LD5, congratulations, and let's hope that your first experience with bonafide online forums will a good one.

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 11-25-2007 3:39 PM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody



    oops, meant Fur Affinity is down, I don't actually have my own website. I still don't have enough finished art to justify anything like that, its really nice of you to offer hosting though, thanks :)


     Yeah, I'm pretty down about that as well.  That's what I figured you'd meant was that FA was down.  Either way though, I just wanted to welcome you and all.  Since everyone else was, I couldn't possibly be left out.  But Blue has been showing off your artwork and I do like it as well (although I'm not a people crusher kind of person) but everyone has their own kinks.  Thanks for joining us as well and I hope you enjoy our company as much as we enjoy that of others. 

  • 11-26-2007 12:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody

    Geez, and the site's still down?  For "transfer"?  Man, if I ran a site with that kinda downtime at work, I'd be fired.  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 11-26-2007 8:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody

    FA is not down now. Yay!

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 11-27-2007 2:41 PM In reply to

    • Sprotchymon
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    Re: Hey everybody

    No luck from my comp. Maybe it was a fluke. But I will keep that page in mind for when it DOES return.

    Anyway, bandwagon time. Welcome to the forum! Yes, it's not as busy as most, but we have our fair share of talented folks, and of course a few who would be capable of so much more if only they were asked, badgered, cajoled, etc. more often. I'd post more in general if so many other things (comics, homework, gaming) didn't get in the way. There's only so many hours in the day, ya know?

    Oh, did I mention we're extremely good-natured? I don't think there's been a locked thread or a banned user (other than those pesky spambots) since the inception of the fancy-dancy new forum.

    I wish I could be more active here, but I'm too busy drawing furry for Concession to draw scaly here...
    Thread for Comissions (Nothing to show for it yet, but I doodle every day to build confidence)
  • 11-28-2007 7:20 AM In reply to

    Re: Hey everybody


     Sorry its taken me so long to post here after signing up, but this board seems a bit dead at the moment, I wasn't sure if anybody was still coming here. I'd post a link to my stuff on fa so you can see what i'm about, but the website is down at the moment I'm posting this :/

    Anyway, congratulate me on my first ever internet boards post!


    Damn, I really don't visit these boards often enough any more...

    Didn't realise you'd joined up here too, 5-D! You might have noticed I've been watching you on FA for a little while now, so I'm glad to see you're branching out into the other communities. Wink

    Welcome to LD5!

    (Oh, and well done on your first ever forum post! Lol!) Smile




    RipRoarRex - Creator of Rexar

    Visit my new website: RipRoarRex's Realm
  • 12-04-2007 10:57 AM In reply to

    • Giran
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: Hey everybody

    Hi 5-D! I'm very happy you joined Ld5!!!

    And i really enjoy your arts about macro scaly characters and their feet Stompyclaw

     I hope you wanna draw more and more! And don't forget to draw a POV stomp for us! Stick out tongue

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