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Need...some advice...

Last post 12-13-2007 5:56 PM by Patch. 15 replies.
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  • 11-28-2007 7:32 PM

    Need...some advice...

    Well, FA is still fixing some things, meaning I cant put a journal about this...Well...first thing is first...what do you think of people who are BI? Please be honest...:(

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 11-28-2007 9:44 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...

    I'm perfectly okay with people who are either bi or gay.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 11-28-2007 9:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...

    Ok then...its because...I just...well...I'm not exactly sure, but I think I'm a BI...but I am not gay....Its just...its pretty new for me and I'm a bit scared...

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 11-28-2007 10:42 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Need...some advice...

    BI? Oh, bi. *shrugs* People are people.

  • 11-28-2007 11:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...


    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 11-29-2007 6:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...

    I never knew you had an FA account, Tearyel.  But in my opinion, I have to agree with Blue.  People are people.  Everyone is different and everyone has their own kinks.  People shouldn't hate on others just because they don't think the same way as them or because they act differently.  That's what's fun about life to me; you just don't know what the person next to you is gonna do next.  Personally, I'd like to think of myself as 'bi' at least as a fur.  But as a real person I'm just asexual it seems.  I'm neither stimulated by men nor women, yet in terms of furs, I seem to prefer men.  (Not sure if that made sense to whomever reads this or not.)  Either way, as long as you like yourself, that's all that matters, if the overall question is you questioning yourself.  As long as a person isn't hurting other people, I'm okay with most things.

  • 11-29-2007 10:01 AM In reply to

    • 5-D
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    Re: Need...some advice...


    You should never feel the need to apologize for who you are, or the things you like. There isn't a person on earth qualified to tell you what your own personal preferences should, and shouldn't be. Any pretentious prick who decides to judge you on this basis isn't worthy of your respect anyway.
  • 11-30-2007 5:17 AM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...

    Thanks guys.^.^! Your right, I shouldnt be scared about it.X3

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 12-02-2007 9:49 AM In reply to

    • Talon
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    Re: Need...some advice...


    Hi, Tearyel! Listen... straight, bi or gay, you are YOU! You can't be more, and you SHOULDN'T be less! If you should find out that you are bi, there's nothing to worry about. In fact you found outsomething new about yourself, and this is one of the most important things in life. Don't be like others want you to be, just be as you are. That's the only path which will lead you to yourself.


  • 12-02-2007 4:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...



    Hi, Tearyel! Listen... straight, bi or gay, you are YOU! You can't be more, and you SHOULDN'T be less! If you should find out that you are bi, there's nothing to worry about. In fact you found outsomething new about yourself, and this is one of the most important things in life. Don't be like others want you to be, just be as you are. That's the only path which will lead you to yourself.



    Wow, Talon, that was worded so brilliantly.  I can't improve upon it.  *hugs*  Either way, Tearyel, we're all here for you.  So whether you're straight, bi or gay, we're all here for you and we'll still be here for you.  Just be yourself, no matter how cheesy that sounds, it's true.   

  • 12-02-2007 11:53 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Need...some advice...

  • 12-03-2007 6:43 PM In reply to

    • Ahastar
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    Re: Need...some advice...

    I agree with all things said here.

    But I want to add that anyone on a REPTILIAN FOOT FETISH site giving someone crap for being bi would need a serious kick in the nuts. And I would gladly deliver it, too.

    "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours..."
    - Stephen F. Roberts -
  • 12-03-2007 8:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...

     *crawls out of hole*

     I don't post much here or anywhere else for that matter.  I'm usually content to just post my crap and disappear.  It seemed that it might be important to say a couple things, though, since you're having trouble here.  I'm probably only going to be able to reinforce things that have been said, but since I've been around this block before I'll try anyway.

    First of all, to continue what Ahastar said.  You're on a website mainly about very large reptilian feet.  Being bisexual doesn't seem like a big concern in comparison.  Not that anything's wrong with the latter, either, but you never know who's going to give you the funny look.

    I'm lucky, I suppose, in that I've had the good fortune to have at least one friend who couldn't give a crap.  It was pure horror for me when I saw him open the folder of porns.  (Hey kids, don't put your fetish artwork in a folder called "Stuff" in your My Documents folder and then let your friends use your computer. For future reference.)  The fact that life has continued pretty much unaffected from that point proves that many people and real friends might not care as much as you think.

    As for personally, as in your own feelings, I wouldn't worry about it.  Sexual orientation and related goods are pretty unimportant in the grand scheme, it seems to me.  Being bisexual is not a mental illness nor can it hurt you.  I have obsessive compulsive disorder, which has led me to far more trouble and embarassment than any inclination towards large (and often male) dragon feet.

    So buck up and all that, and hope you feel better about it.  Time to slink away. 

  • 12-03-2007 9:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...

    Thank you guys. Im sorry again for putting up something like this. I was unsure about what I felt before so I asked advice...Yeah...I love dragons feet too....mostly males too.XP

    You can look at some of my drawings, click here.^^:
  • 12-04-2007 4:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Need...some advice...


    I'm lucky, I suppose, in that I've had the good fortune to have at least one friend who couldn't give a crap.  It was pure horror for me when I saw him open the folder of porns.  (Hey kids, don't put your fetish artwork in a folder called "Stuff" in your My Documents folder and then let your friends use your computer. For future reference.)


    ...part of me shuddered just reading that...

    Y'see that's exactly why my artwork is stored in several folders on a passworded removable USB drive which is then hidden in a place my family don't tend to look... about OCD, you should see how paranoid I am when it comes to making sure people don't see my stuff! Lol!



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