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King Ramsis

Last post 12-20-2007 11:56 AM by Karasaph. 7 replies.
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  • 11-28-2007 11:16 PM

    • Kearin
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    Whistling [46] King Ramsis

    Here's the picture I did of King Ramsis while I was bored / sick. So Blue, you can stop hounding me now Stick out tongue


    Ramsis: The King

  • 11-28-2007 11:37 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: King Ramsis

    Weee! So good! *bounce bounce bounce* Big Smile
    Oh, right. I'm supposed to stop now. *nose-licks the creative dragon*

    Thanks for posting. And welcome to the forum. Smile

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  • 11-28-2007 11:50 PM In reply to

    Re: King Ramsis

    Eee.... issa ramzilla.... that better not be beef...

  • 11-29-2007 7:15 AM In reply to

    • maksio5
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    Re: King Ramsis


    lol, I wish to see his face after seeing this :p


    not meaning its bad or anything, its just weird me 

    Always knew i didn't belong in this world. I wasn't made for this. But I'll never forget- those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust. I'll be carrying nothing but this lesson: never trust anyone and rely on your instincts. Forget the past. I'll never find peace here. So, I'll seek justice for myself. I'll choose the truth I like.
  • 11-29-2007 12:25 PM In reply to

    • Kearin
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    Re: King Ramsis

    *grins* I can't really speak as to what those hamburgers are made of, but I'm glad you guys enjoyed this. :P
  • 12-02-2007 9:56 AM In reply to

    • Talon
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    Re: King Ramsis

     Of course Ramsis is just king because I allowed him to be. Still there's only ONE king in Faibanx... ME, King Tal I., owner of Faibanxes deadliest feet! Challenge me, and your lungs will BURN!!!! HUUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHA! *evil chuckle*

  • 12-05-2007 9:47 PM In reply to

    Re: King Ramsis

    Well, at least he's not as creepy as the real Burger King.  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 12-20-2007 11:56 AM In reply to

    • Karasaph
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    Re: King Ramsis

    Huh, yeah. "The King".

     I like the picture. I hope the beard next to his nose is realy on there, because it's unusual. But you chose a nice pose.

    "The King and the Ruler" *grins* Not over every dragon yet *chuckles*

    Objects bigger than 1 foot have to be squisished and destroyed by the same.
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