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LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

Last post 01-01-2008 5:28 PM by Blue. 9 replies.
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  • 12-27-2007 2:32 AM

    LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    Those of you on the mailing list have already gotten a heads-up, but we'll be having another LD5 Match Game this weekend!  For those who don't know what it is, check out Match Game on the wikinets.  Be ready to dedicate about 3 hours of time to play, and we're looking for panelists and contestants!

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
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  • 12-27-2007 8:00 AM In reply to

    • maksio5
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    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!


    not too helpfull....
    Always knew i didn't belong in this world. I wasn't made for this. But I'll never forget- those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust. I'll be carrying nothing but this lesson: never trust anyone and rely on your instincts. Forget the past. I'll never find peace here. So, I'll seek justice for myself. I'll choose the truth I like.
  • 12-27-2007 3:33 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

  • 12-28-2007 7:49 AM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

     *awws*  That's no good.  I'll be at work.  *ohs as he notices it's Sunday and not Saturday*  Darn, I'll still be at work.

  • 12-28-2007 11:27 AM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    Ah, leave it to Blue to do my work for me.  Er, I mean, leave it to Blue to come through!  ;)  Ew, those old forums are still running?  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 12-29-2007 7:55 AM In reply to

    • maksio5
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    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!


    mah bad memory...meh...:p now that I remember, I just happened to stumble upon it
    Always knew i didn't belong in this world. I wasn't made for this. But I'll never forget- those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust. I'll be carrying nothing but this lesson: never trust anyone and rely on your instincts. Forget the past. I'll never find peace here. So, I'll seek justice for myself. I'll choose the truth I like.
  • 12-29-2007 5:14 PM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    So does this mean that you'll be saving the one from this year as well and posting it to the forums? 

  • 12-30-2007 3:56 PM In reply to

    • Karasaph
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    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    Oh, yeah. That was fun. A lot of fun.

    Thank you for me being part of the show. It went with almost no Problems and we got all the questions run through. I want to participate the next time, too! I had to laugh very often and I just enjoyed the crowd! Hey. We got a record! 25 Users on Faibanx on that evening, and I was part of it. It was a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.

    [Comment edited by Dino to keep the victor a secret!]

    Have fun

    Objects bigger than 1 foot have to be squisished and destroyed by the same.
  • 12-30-2007 5:07 PM In reply to

    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    Okay, here's the full transcript of the event!  Enjoy, and thanks to everyone who participated!  The attachment is at the link just above this text.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 01-01-2008 5:28 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!


    Oh, yeah. That was fun. A lot of fun.

    Thank you for me being part of the show. It went with almost no Problems and we got all the questions run through. I want to participate the next time, too! I had to laugh very often and I just enjoyed the crowd! Hey. We got a record! 25 Users on Faibanx on that evening, and I was part of it. It was a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.

    I am glad you enjoyed it and were not too confused. Smile I had lots of fun this year again too. We had more than that on Faibanx already I recall, just not since the last server restart. But yes, it was quite a crowd. Me likes. Smile

    Hope the rest of you enjoyed it too!

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