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Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

Last post 01-21-2008 6:07 AM by Blue. 8 replies.
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  • 01-13-2008 7:28 AM

    Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

       It has come to my attention that present day, LavadomeFive has all but ceased to exist, with an average post rate of 2 or less a day and fewer than 5 active members this once glorious site is in danger of drifting apart and dissapearing into the void and unless we as a collective, can do something about it, the dissolution of LD5 will be an inevitability.

       What I suggest is a great and drastic overhaul of the forum's very layout and content, restoring this place to it's former glory: 

       Back in the day, when Lavadome five forums was popular, we didn't have to put up with sluggish software and cumbersome uploading procedures. So, do away with this fancy forum software and go back to using the classic, reliable and relatively problem free bulletinboard.

       I also propose that a vigourous effort of restoring much of the old forum's features such as some of it's classic stories and sprotchies, as well as getting Lavadome University back on track.

      I propose we invite our old time most popular posters back to the fold, like Drangu, Ahastar, Amanannth and so forth.  And with them here, start conversations of interest, bring forth debate and laughs alike.

      I want this forum to live again, with all it's vitality that it had once shown so proudly. but I can't do this alone. So WHO'S WITH ME?!



    <Get's off the soap box>

    So sayeth the Humie luver.
    Flappy panel gearbox, 4000 quid?, you'd have to have a flappy panel head!
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  • 01-13-2008 9:15 PM In reply to

    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    I agree totally! LD5 is kinda almost dead... Whistling

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 01-14-2008 2:01 AM In reply to

    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

     what we need is a bunch of raptor women pole dancing showing there stuff that will attract some attention well it will attract my attention anyway lol.... but ye i agree it is rather dead and i rarely post here basically because i dont know what to post and i dont have many friends here so i cant do things for people and post it for them would be nice to get to know some people here

    Fastest thing alive
  • 01-14-2008 7:00 AM In reply to

    • Ahastar
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    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    *looks down over himself*

    I am still here? Always have been? :)

    "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours..."
    - Stephen F. Roberts -
  • 01-14-2008 9:02 AM In reply to

    • Zed
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    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    Hmm... gotta admit, I've been quite the lurker lately... o.O


    Back in the old forum I posted much more for some reason... 

    Yeah... yeah.... "Ooooh.... aaaaah" : This is how it always starts. and theres the running... and screaming
  • 01-14-2008 3:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    Dude, first of all, LD5 has been around forever and will be around forever.  You name me not only any furry or macro website, but ANY website that's been around 12 years...that list is pretty slim.

    I'm as guilty of anyone for not dedicating enough time to posting stuff...damn, I've had a bunch of fun stuff just from Christmas I'm too tired/lazy to post about. 

    But at the same time, yes I am working on plans to make LD5 faster, and in fact, I think even the interim stuff I've done to increase speed is a nice boost.  It's only going to get better.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 01-17-2008 2:32 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    Now that the official reply is there... Yes, the 'Dome was always like that, and that isnt too bad.
    LD5 is and will hopefully always be a place that gives furry and scaly and macro and paw stuff for free and for everyone without having-to-register annoyingness so that even the shyest and lurkiest can watch it all. As a result there always have been few members but lots of guests on, and the feedback rate is thus way lower as on places where it is hip to be because one is cool then and one can feel so great if one posts right next to a famous hyper-mega-herm-boobs-cumflood artist. For example. And as nice as more activity would be, I still prefer the few true nice and open-minded folks here to having lots of noisy people that visit and post because its hip.

    ( PS: Dont trust that 'Forum Statistics' too much. They dont work properly. )

  • 01-17-2008 2:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    Can't really speak for anyone other than myself, but it is kind of still the holidays for a lot of people, which might have something to do with the deadness lately.  And I would agree that I tend towards smaller groups of people anyway.

     Perhaps I will try to lurk less.

  • 01-21-2008 6:07 AM In reply to

    • Blue
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    Oh, and besides, on the forum software criticism:

    While I myself found it annoyingly slow, most people said they liked it. And it wasnt any faster back then, I assure you. Smile
    So I couldnt blame Dino for chosing it any more, and stopped nagging him about it. almost stopped nagging him about it. nagged him less about it. annoyed him less with it. tried to annoy him less with it.

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