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Win free pixel commission!

Last post 03-31-2008 3:09 PM by Karasaph. 3 replies.
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  • 02-06-2008 11:52 AM

    • Blue
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    Win free pixel commission!

    Seeing someone making someone else very happy because he won a free commission, I thought I should for fun do that too. So, The first one who can tell me which characters from Faibanx are in the town sqaure comics I drew so far, as in mailing or messaging me for episodes 0, 2, 3, and 5 to 10 who in them is who, gets a free up to 80 by 80 pixel pixel-commission from me. (The LOL, isnt it?)

    Hint: There are three 'characters' that you cannot get as they dont exist (plus those in the background of episode 3), and ten which I dont expect you to get, one of which appears in more than one episode and is made up by myself. Those I consider a bonus and someone who names all but those right will win unless someone comes up with naming more characters correctly within a week after that.

    Hint: The comics were posted not only in the old LD5 forum but also later on furaffinity.

    (note: I am slow. It may take quite a while, if anybody actually cares.)

  • 02-09-2008 11:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Win free pixel commission!

    A scavenger hunt for pixelated toes...yay!  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 03-30-2008 7:09 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Win free pixel commission!

    And we finally have a winner! ( Sheesh. And I really though I would get away with it. )
    And to resolve that mystery, no, you were not supposed to have met everybody on the MUCK in person over the years, of course. In fact the lucky winner probably only met very few of them as he is rather new to Faibanx himself...
    Like I said in the forum and on the board on MUCK, those were posted on both the forum and furaffinity, and every single apperance that I did not count as a bonus was mentioned there in either the description or the discussion, duh! O: )
    ( well all but Sabrewing, but how many big buff green anthro efreet dragons with light green chest with dark green nipples and red hair both on the chest and between his tan horns and with a split tailtip and the most adorable cute/mischievous grin can there possibly be? Wink )
    Even without going to furaffinity a little digging on the member sites and map would have done the trick...
    And the lucky winner is: ... KARASAPH!
    Big hugs to the cuddly red dragon. Smile

    So here is who is in it and who for those who took part and wondered. Those in ( ) being the bonus ones that I did not expect anybody to get and those in [ ] being not really existing characters:

    Episode 0: Dino(sorceror) - litte parasaurolopus weesaur, Blue (Raptor) - first raptor, Haxx - second raptor

    [Episode 1 was done by Timanth]

    Episode 2: [generic Wolf], [generic dino], (Randomfox - generic fox)

    Episode 3: SilverClaw - black dragon, (Neil - grey striped wolf)

    [Episode 4 was done by Timanth]

    Episode 5: Blue (Raptor) - blue anthroraptor, Sabrwewing - green efreet dragon, (Beachcomber - caramelbrown bunny)

    Episode 6: Diablo - red striped rex, Blue (Raptor) - blue anthroraptor, Haxx - green raptor

    Episode 7: (Zilla - darkblue Zilla), (Eddie_Canis - red-brown canine), (Chlorofleur - pink dragoness), (Timanth - bronze dragon)

    Episode 8: Ahastar - white-red half-demon raptor, (Niteshade - black dragon), (Randomfox - generic fox), [generic anthro wolf, MAYBE Rogue]

    Episode 9: Drangu(-Shur) - brown earthdragon, Zed - dark green anthroraptor, Akisame - cream kitsune, Khei (Kittora) - blue kitty, Nyterious (Nightdodger) - purple-ish foxy, Michealangelo - black-green tiger, Talon - brown striped megaraptor, Patashu - brownish mecha dragon, (Rooth'roo (Rooth) - white-blue roo)

    Episode 10: Denare - green dragon, Makiso - blue-ish argonian, (Randomfox - generic fox)

    [Episode 11 wasnt finished by then.]

    Thanks to all that took part, I hope you had some fun at least!

    So congratulations Karasaph, and I hope you dont expect whatever it is too soon. Whistling

  • 03-31-2008 3:09 PM In reply to

    • Karasaph
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    Re: Win free pixel commission!

    Oh yeah. I got Beachcomber! Huh that was awesome. And Zilla. Two bonus and Sabrewing... Well I haven't been on membersites around a lot the last time but I'm glad that the times I did it a few years ago helped. I was lucky with Niteshade, too.

    It was a lot of fun to participate and I'm happy that I won something. It's the first commision that I won and I'm glad somebody like Blue does it for me. I haven't got an idea what we could do with 80 times 80 pixels. I was just recently playing "Die Total Verrückte Rally". An over 10 year old pixelgame... Mhh. I don't know. The last Episode was just awesome with the dragons looks (it is pretty much the way I look!).

    Well. It was a lot of searching and a little luck indeed. Thank you for the opportunity Blue *hugs the little Raptor back*. I'm a little sloppy with my own description so it still might take some time.

    I wish you a lot of fun with the pixeling


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