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Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

Last post 03-20-2008 5:14 AM by Citizenkabuto. 19 replies.
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  • 02-14-2008 2:02 AM

    Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    You never know what you're going to find when you're perusing the B movie kingdom, and it just so happens that I found THIS tonight.  Maybe everyone already knows, but I haven't seen it floating around the great intertube so here's a video I made.  Lacking a good alternative in my brain, I used Senduit to host the file for now.  I'll probably think of something else before the week is up that it'll be available.

    Man, I'll tell you right now that the effects aren't that great, but they have their heart (and feet) in the right place.


    Download Here (9MB)


  • 02-14-2008 9:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    hehe me like alot. bye bye human!Yes

    "ive spent a long time waiting in the background. but its all cool, cause im definetly back now"

    tim deluxe-let the beats roll
  • 02-14-2008 10:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Hahaha! Wow, that's so awesome, but so badly done!

    Thanks for capturing this Smile

  • 02-14-2008 8:08 PM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Wow, I remember seeing that movie!  I bet Khith has wood.  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 02-15-2008 8:13 AM In reply to

    • Ahastar
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    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Oh yes, I remember that movie too. It was godawfully badly done but had some great trampling scenes. Personally I prefer the one at the party where the rex stomps over the guests.

    "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours..."
    - Stephen F. Roberts -
  • 02-15-2008 2:06 PM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    omg i must see that! please someone find it for me! Woot

    "ive spent a long time waiting in the background. but its all cool, cause im definetly back now"

    tim deluxe-let the beats roll
  • 02-15-2008 3:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

     I got like the whole thing digitized from the VHS I found, and I wouldn't be against making it available as I'm pretty sure nobody gave a care about this movie after the VHS came out like over ten years ago.  It's just a matter of getting the 400~500 MB file up somewhere or other.

     As a somewhat unrelated sidenote, this VHS had a preview for Double Dragon on it that reduced me to a fit of the giggles.

  • 02-17-2008 8:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    cool i hope you can get it up on here soon. id love to see the whole thing!

    "ive spent a long time waiting in the background. but its all cool, cause im definetly back now"

    tim deluxe-let the beats roll
  • 02-17-2008 11:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    I guess I'm going to upload it to Megaupload.  And by that I mean I'm uploading it now.  The whole movie is like 782 MB, so I had to do it in two parts and over DSL this is like an all day project.  WinRAR is needed to extract the parts, hopefully the entire Internet has that by now.  I realized belatedly that this large of a download on Megaupload might cause issues with it being all angry.  You might have to download the second part after some stupid timer or somesuch resets.  I hear resetting your DSL/cable modem can help with this by resetting your IP address.  There is also this handy site:

    Which details how to get a Firefox thingy that let's you do unrestricted downloads from 9 PM to 3 AM Eastern Standard Time.  Very handy in any event if you find yourself in the Megaupload using situation much.  I feel like I've set this up to be more work than it's worth, but I'm already all committed so I just hope someone takes the time to actually get it now.

     Also, did my best with the quality, but it sure seems like the only copies of this movie in all of creation are ex-rental tapes (it might have been only available in rental places, even).  Towards the end I was having a great battle with the tracking controls that I mostly won.  On the plus side I did that part for you and I never have to do it again.

  • 02-18-2008 2:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Part 1 finally finished:

    I will be uploading the second part while I sleep.  Hopefully it's done when I wake up. 


  • 02-18-2008 3:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    With a name like MegaUpload, it has to have macro!  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 02-18-2008 8:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    And Part 2:

    Those unfamiliar with how WinRAR handles multiple parts: Just make sure both parts are in the same folder and extract the first part like you would normally.  It'll take care of the rest.  It's smart like that. 

    And that's what I'm here for.  Giving MegaUpload its prescribed amount of macro since 2008.  Well...maybe not quite as macro as all that...and mostly just a hilariously bad movie... 

  • 02-18-2008 1:40 PM In reply to

    • Neil
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    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    the file will not open for me
  • 02-18-2008 2:44 PM In reply to

    • Neil
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    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    i was able to open the file, had to do some fooling around with my computer... im viewing the video now!

    thanks for shareing it

  • 02-22-2008 8:02 PM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)


    With a name like MegaUpload, it has to have macro!  :)


    Didn't we used to have, like... a torrent-tracker, Dino?

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
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