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Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

Last post 03-20-2008 5:14 AM by Citizenkabuto. 19 replies.
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  • 02-23-2008 12:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Yes, we used to.  I suppose I need to get in gear, I know, I know.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 03-04-2008 6:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    I uploaded the movie to Google Video too, so people that don't want to mess with all that other stuff can watch it there:

    Edit: How utterly bizarre.  It got taken down for copyright already, which is odd and actually I'm not even going to try and figure it out.  Actually on second thought maybe including the FBI Warning was a bit of a giveaway.  Megaupload it must be, then.

  • 03-06-2008 10:19 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    (Psssst! Make Dino give you an LD5 ftp folder like the rest of us!) Smile

  • 03-08-2008 5:11 PM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Yeah, really, I'd be more than happy to.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 03-20-2008 5:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    Argh the original link for the stomp moment is not working anymore, does someone have it somewhere (just the 9Mb file) ?

    Thanks !


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