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New forum on the way!

Last post 04-17-2008 12:13 AM by Blue. 19 replies.
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  • 04-01-2008 1:40 PM

    New forum on the way!

    Okay, I've finally given up.  I guess I have a strange fetish not just for giant claws, but for running crap just to be different.  ;)  This forum you're reading right now is actually...holy crap, I forgot...this is forum number THREE that I be typing on right now.  Damn.  I  Um, anyway, the point of this message is to say that extensive years of reasearch into the subject point at the fact that there's only one decent Internet forum software on the entire planet, and it's phpbb.  It's what just about every other web site that has half a brain runs, but nooooo, I have to be different, or -- gasp -- try to make something better, and there really just isn't.

    Therefore, after much prodding from Blue and witholding of me ever getting into his slippers, he's finally gotten me to set up forum number four, on phpbb.  Yes, I've actually got the software up and running on LD5 right now, so that means there are actually four forums running on this damned website at the same time now.  That has to be an Internet record somewheres.  ;)  Just can't bear to part with old message or history...heh, when I remake the LD5 front page to go with the change in forum, I'll have to put links to all the old forums as well so people can see the nightmares of years past.  ;)

    So, thanks to the prodding of Blue, phpbb is now running on LD5, and me and him are going to be setting it up over the next week or two.  No, there's no way of chugging data between any of the three old forums or the new, so...just pretend it's like an Internet archive site or something.  ;)

    And NO, this is not an April Fool's joke, although I could understand how you'd think that.  :)  I really do have phpbb running (on a Windows server [IIS/MSSQL], no less, which was a feat in itself), and once it's ready for public consumption I'll shit out a new LD5 front page with the links.  (Currently, this forum software IS the front page for LD5, and that will change.)

    Now, where are my friggin' slippers?

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
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  • 04-01-2008 2:36 PM In reply to

    • Sprotchymon
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    Re: New forum on the way!

     What. (must... resist urge... to image-macro... the admin...)

    Seriously... WHAT. What the fruit and fiber is wrong with the current custom forum server? If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Sure, posting replies and loading pages was somewhat on the slow side for the first month or so of this iteration, but things are fine now!

    At the very least, consider this pleasant looking alternative. It's the same software that MiFur uses, and I find it pretty nifty. Either way, I will no doubt miss the current style/color scheme.

    I wish I could be more active here, but I'm too busy drawing furry for Concession to draw scaly here...
    Thread for Comissions (Nothing to show for it yet, but I doodle every day to build confidence)
  • 04-01-2008 5:41 PM In reply to

    Re: New forum on the way!

    Well, you're in the minority, Austin.  Even if you use Internet Exploder as a web browser, the current forum is retarded-clunky.  The art galleries are annoying and impossible to admin.

     There's just no arguing.  If you want forum software, you use phpbb.  Everything else just isn't as nice.  If you're worried about the color scheme, we'll spend considerable time making it nice looking.

    And a clarification...I guess forum software #1 is no longer running...don't remember if it's just broken or if I got rid of it long time ago, but it's gone.  So technically, only have 3 forum softwares running at the same time here.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 04-01-2008 5:51 PM In reply to

    • Ahastar
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Woooo. :)
    I look forward to it a lot!

    "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours..."
    - Stephen F. Roberts -
  • 04-01-2008 6:39 PM In reply to

    Re: New forum on the way!

    *wonders idly if he can get a backstage pass to the new forums, too*  Well, I'm happy... yet sad.  Happy that we're getting another revamp but sad that this forum seems to be going abnormally fast for me now.  Murphy's Law... 

  • 04-01-2008 8:14 PM In reply to

    • Dragoner
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Hehhehheh... wow, I just came to this site and already the whole place is getting overhauled!? lol, I can't wait to see what the place looks like after the changes.

    "We're burnin' down the highway skyline on the back of a hurricane, that started turnin' when you were young"
  • 04-02-2008 12:11 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Well, now that we finally get a new one, I can finally let it all out in public I guess.

    This forum software here that Dino yet again payed quite a lot for to make us have just not anything but something really good, and that quite a lot of big businesses used by then, ... sucks. Hard. And most people I talk to see it that way now, although when it was new and we made a poll and a discussion about it most people cheered and noone really complained. So it was taken and became the new forum. Of course we will 'lose' all the content again, as in it being no longer in the current but the old forum then, and I totally disappreciate everyone having to make a new account on a new forum again, but it is vital. There is no way around. Dino and I and some others have been debating that for a long time already and the more it should grow into what it was supposed to be the clearer it became that this forum is hopelessly useless.

    Firstoff, it didnt work smooth on ANY browser. On this one it looks all chunky, on that one the bottom of the text in boxes is cut off, on Firefox borwsers the entire main content doesnt show at all when Firefox thinks that the CSS content took too long to load and you had to guess that there is something and hit reload, on anything but IE the post editor doesnt come up and people wonder how the hell everyone else can post links by just pasting the url in their editor box, and it totally spams with connection attempts and about a dozen cookies and cookie modifications with each fucking single click no matter how logged in you are that it is just pain-in-the-ass slow.
    It loads aeons for things that dont even have much content, its a cramp to make a post, let alone upload an image to stick to it as just attaching something you upload is not a valid option, so much that quite some folks dont even bother anymore and rather not upload or post stuff here. It sucks.
    Above that it is even utterly awkward and glitchy in a lot of things, that actually make it a total peice of crap as a community fourm. Maybe that's beacuse its not meant to be one, maybe the ones that designed it are just total tards that have no idea what is useful and what is neede, I dont know.
    It only updates what is new ever half hour or so, there are things like the color of the (now almost invisible) lines that seperates the signature or quotes form the post that you cannot change at all with the clumsy interface you have to use, avatar uploading doesnt work properly and seems to rely on weather or good luck, it doesnt show the creator of a topic in the topic list, you get no noticification on the forum itself at all when you got new private messages, and the cool tags system doesnt really find everything that has that tag on it either.

    In short, its a clumsy community software that fails in essential points but has tons of totally useless overhead and annoying interfaces that often just complicate everything because they give you funky access to a few parameters and prevent all access to the rest. Or trying to put it into a way I can imagine Dino saying it in, They built a five star restaurant around a pile of shit.

    PHP bulletin board looks good, and I am speaking technical issues and options here, not the shade of blue or roundness of boxes we will tweak anyway, and I assure you the speck and I and maybe some others too will do everything to make it have all that you got here, but unsucky and un-slow and un-pain-in-the-ass.

  • 04-02-2008 6:51 PM In reply to

    • Sprotchymon
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Wow, I wasn't really aware of half of those issues until now... I of course use Firefox but never noticed "holes" or cut-off text in any pages. Not sure about the cookie bug. I clicked "Remember Me" once and I haven't had to re-login since. I couldn't get my head around how to post an image in the "Photos" section but I assumed you needed Dino to allow you access, like for the Artist Gallery.

    I won't miss the tags or the overall clunkiness, but... but... just don't make it look like every other PHPbb forum out there, okay?

    I wish I could be more active here, but I'm too busy drawing furry for Concession to draw scaly here...
    Thread for Comissions (Nothing to show for it yet, but I doodle every day to build confidence)
  • 04-05-2008 1:09 PM In reply to

    • ESC
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Really? I'm fine with this forum (or maybe it's just IE...), but if changing it is the best for the majority, then stomp away.

  • 04-06-2008 12:22 AM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Wow. Blue is freaking sexy when he's pissed! Has anyone else noticed? I have. Well, I'm getting off topic, but I figured I'd atleast say something.

    Yeah. When I first found LD5 I was on dialup, and pages not loading fully (it happened to several of us, including me, at one point on the old fourm, where screennames wouldn't load, but avatars would) was a problem I had. Now I've got some magical internets©, but I still feel for those who are not so spoiled.

    Another grievance to add to the list for the new forums is the amount of random crap that it does to your HTML coding. Now, I'm kindofa format whore, and it even took me a long time to figure out how to get my obnoxious light text on dark BG to appear. It took numerous attempts, and it kept not appearing, even though the pre-post -preview showed it correctly.

    Here's a little sample of what the coding for this post looks like after the software masticates it:

    <p><font color="#999999" face="Verdana">Yeah. When I first found LD5 I was on dialup, and pages not loading fully (it happened to several of us, including me, at one point on the old fourm, where screennames wouldn't load, but avatars would) was a problem I had. Now I've got some magical internets©, but I still feel for those who are not so spoiled. </font></p> <p><font color="#999999" face="Verdana">Another grievance to add to the list for the new forums is the amount of random crap that it does to your HTML coding. Now, I'm kindofa format whore, and it even took <u>me</u> a long time to figure out how to get my obnoxious light text on dark BG to appear. It took numerous attempts, and it kept not appearing, even though the pre-post -preview showed it correctly. </font></p> <p><font color="#999999" face="Verdana">Here's a little sample of what the coding for this post looks like after the software masticates it:</font></p>
    And that's just a mild example, but note how redundant and cumbersome it makes it for editing.

    EDIT: Actually, it turns out there's not even a real way to show unrendered fucking code in a legible fashion on this forum. Well, you have my vote right there. /EDIT

    EDIT2: It also turns out that I'm not allowed to have two cells with different-coloured backgrounds on here either. Originally I was going to make my post on black, but, for sake of honouring the dead, I guess I'll do it on white./EDIT2

    EDIT3: Oh, it looks like the background won't even turn white for me, it just stays its shitty default powder/eggshell blue, isn't that dandy? Now I'm almost as mad (and mad-sexy as Blue is! /EDIT3

    EDIT4: I did it! I'm amazing! /EDIT4

    The last thing I want to do before I die is pull the trigger.
  • 04-06-2008 6:19 AM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    You dont like the blue tone? Hm, We were actually going to keep it, something non-white but still just the right brightness to make reading on it easy to the eye...

    But you are right with that editor too. It tries to be ultra fancy but only truely works on IE as far as I know and more messes things up than it helps if you try to do any formatting. And its neither what-you-see-is-what-you-get on any browser I tried nor was the result of what it produced the same on different browsers. (As I learned when I pointed someone to the green part in my MUCK help and he went "What green part?". Turned out it only showed on IE. I changed it, then it showed only on FF. It was a cramp to find something that the forum made into something that showed in green on both.)

    So... yeah. Newer will be better. I promise.

  • 04-07-2008 2:28 AM In reply to

    Re: New forum on the way!

    Hooray! *REX ROARS*

    I'm really glad to hear the forum software will be changed again - as much as I hate to be critical of anything that Dino has selflessly paid money for all of us to use, this current software does seem quite shockingly bad for all the reasons that have been stated above.

    Hopefully we can claw back the users and activity that LD5 enjoyed last year! Many thanks, Dino :-)

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  • 04-09-2008 10:27 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: New forum on the way!

    Yes, I hope that too Diablo. Hopefully all the scaly/furry macro pawsluts and clawstults will finally post their stuff on THE place for macro scaly/furry pawsluts and clawsluts again. And some of the other scaly or furry or macro folks that used to post their goodnesses here too...

    I can only say we are working at it, really hard and really lots (like I haven't done anything else for a week now), and though some new stuff like having to dig around in template files or setting every tiny thing in every tiny detail for every very special case and BBcode are hard work that requires lots of time, I am confident that it will turn out a great forum and that you can expect a first life version for the end of this week.

    As for the features I can say that I so far found every feature that this forum has on it but the glitchy tags, but setting it all is a LOT of work that will have to go on for quite a while after it goes life, so we will still have to change the one or other setting or color or box size or image that slipped our tests, and we'll happily do so if you point them out to us then.

    *goes back to the toilsome forum bowels work*

  • 04-10-2008 12:20 PM In reply to

    Re: New forum on the way!

    Yes, indeed, Blue has been working very hard at the look and feel of the new forum, customizing crap I would have never bothered with.  I think we'll have it looking good enough to open it up to registration on the weekend.  And when I say 'we', I mean Blue is doing 95% of the work and I'm doing 5%.  ;)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 04-10-2008 6:55 PM In reply to

    Re: New forum on the way!

    Lol - it's amusing for me to note that LD5 is undergoing dramatic changes at the same time as my site is undergoing similarly big transformations! Lol! I dare say you guys will get LD5 sorted much sooner than I get mine done, even with your much greater workload!

    Good luck with it anyway - I'm looking forward to it!




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