Imagine the following situation:
1. An inca-like city filled with gold, flesh and inhabitating reptiles celebrating their own existence as godly and superior to all other things alive.
2. The desire of said reptiles to exclaim said belief in an almost religious-like display of publically crushing "lesser" creatures.
3. Countless 5 to 7 ton Trexes as instruments of said abuse, glorified and prepped up by their worshippers to dish out that punishment.
Well, the result might look somewhat like this:
You will need the following things to watch it:
- a download manager to actually get the file. It has 40 MB. The download will nuke if you just let IE nibble away at it. You can find one in the link section of my website.
- the DivX codec. Even better: The DivX player. It looks the best when running this movie.
- a stereo speaker / headset system to dwell in the rich use of stereo effects.
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours..."
- Stephen F. Roberts -