Greetings, LD5 community, RipRoarRex here. I've been away for a while, but I've certainly been busy. I've been producing a MASSIVE series of 12, yes, 12 images. And in this series, Rexar finally decides to show Tydo how powerful his feet really are...
Now before I go any further, I must stress that this is not intended to appeal to all tastes and I can guarantee it won't. These images are intended for the more violent crush fans out there. That doesn't mean that some of the content won't appeal to others, but certainly the last few images (the climax, if you will) is not suitable for anyone upset by violent material. Here's how it goes:
Images 1-5 are largely buildup for the storyline of the series
Images 6-8 contain more general shots of Rexar's feet (number 8 being one of Giran's favourite types of image - yes, the raised foot P.O.V. shot! )
Images 9-12 are the stomp and the aftermath.
They are organised 1-by-1 going down the page, and there is a larger gap between image 8 and 9 so that if you want to look at the non-violent stuff only, you can stop at that point. Ultimately, Tydo gets stomped into a red, tacky mess, and the last image is an 'after-shot', so if that idea really bothers you or you think it's sick, I'd advise not looking any further than image 8 out of 12. I personally am into this stuff, but I'm not gonna force it in people's faces. That's why I'm not posting the pictures in this thread, but instead, I'm providing the link to them on my website. How bad is it, you ask? Well it's not Ahastar bad, if you catch my drift; indeed Ahastar's probably gonna think it's pretty tame and cartoony and wonder why I'm making such a fuss! But it's as bad as I'm prepared to do. The last is the messiest. To some, I should imagine it'll appear worse than they imagined, and to others, it'll appear tamer than they expected. I can't really tell you much unless you're willing to have a look.
Anyway, for those of you that wish to take a look, here's the link:
Click here to view the page containing these images.
And just remember that, in real life, I wouldn't hurt a fly.
RipRoarRex - Creator of Rexar Visit my new website:
RipRoarRex's Realm