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Just Keep Running

Last post 11-03-2007 12:28 PM by DragonsPeace. 2 replies.
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  • 09-06-2007 10:19 AM

    • Denare
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-16-2007
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    • Posts 5

    Just Keep Running

    While nothing really happens, it's an adult story because of cussin' and stuff.

    A cynical comedy from the foot fodder perspective.
    Total fiction and total nonsense.

    Weekly Blog

    Just Keep Running

    That's the mantra, just keep running. I think if this place was a state, that would be printed on the license plates. Those things have been here three times this week. I think they got Dave last time. Poor Dave. He got caught looking up the skirt of an arguably hot vixen, and she caught him. Literally. Between her toes. Those giants think they own this town. They don't really own it, but they do use it as their playground. Insurance is the real killer, I tell you.

    Why does this stuff always happen in Paradise Arizona anyway? Is it some sort of ironic humor that bad things have to happen here? I mean, look at the movies. I think Tremors, and Eight Legged Freaks was supposed to take place here. And that Postal 2 game, that supposedly took place here too. Insurance premiums go up faster than gas prices around here.

    See, we have giant rampaging creatures. Like them Godzilla movies. There's one right down the street as I type this here in this internet cafe. I think she's looking for something nice to wear for her boyfriend. Might take awhile for her size 4 dress if the size 4 happens to be 80 feet tall. And, said boyfriend is on the other side of town having his way with some lucky, or maybe unlucky little ladies. Depending on their preferences. Wonder if I should tell her about it? Nah. I'd probably get what Dave got. It's hard to resist a mini skirt when it's 40 feet in the air, you know.

    Oh, she's got magic. She just made that sales clerk into a dress to fit her. Impressive, and scary all at the same time. The ones with powers always scare me. Ever seen someone turned into a dress before? Me neither, until just now. Seven wonders of the world eat your heart out. Aww crap she sees me ... and she's licking her lips. I'm gonna run now. Running is good. Must go faster. Come on legs, let's go.

    Now, I suppose you would think I should be scared. I used to be. But we get one or two of these giants a week now. They don't destroy much anymore, since we give them what they want. Not like we can stop them. The army was here once, or what's left of it. Each time they're brought here, their tanks and jeeps are destroyed, and a lot of them are taken. Mostly by the females. Guess giant sex toys are expensive, whereas little soldiers are free.

    I try not to think about it. I try not to think about many things. I use humor as a shield. And I write this blog. I'll continue in a minute. That big vixen is still chasing me. Eew a torso just flew across the room. Hang on. I hate when this happens.


    Okay, I think it's safe. No ... it's not, the power went out for this cafe. Guess when a lady wants your attention, you give it to her. This laptop has about 45 minutes left on it's battery. I'd better type this quick. Most blogs I read out there talk about politics, and how nothing can be done, no matter what you do. Well, we got a similar situation here. We can't really do anything to stop them. They're doing whatever they want, and we can't stop them.

    Although, some of them are cute. Like that one raccoon girl. She was cute. I kept my distance of course. While she seemed sincere, might I remind you about Dave. I use him as an example now. He was used as an example too. Hey, there's some humor for you. What do you get when you cross a giant vixen? You get Dave! Ha ha!

    Man these things right themselves! I'm so witty. I'm ... hang on, have to run.




    Wait, why am I running? It takes me 20 steps, and this girl is right behind me with one step. She's toying with me, you see. waiting for me to run, so she can catch up. Man, these giants have way too much time on their hands. Build a house of cards or something. Geez. Guess I'll humor her. I don't feel like dying today.

    Amazingly, there is a plus side to all this destruction and desolation. Lots of stores are vacant. I got myself three sports cars. A Dodge Viper, an Aston Marton DB8, and a vintage Mustang Cobra. And we had a fair here too. That reminds me. Why do they call them fairs? The way the games are set up, it's not exactly fair. The rides are unsafe and the prizes are impossible to get. They should call them not-fairs. Horrible pun wasn't it? What if that's the last thing I said. A terrible pun like that. I don't want to go out like that. Quick, think of something witty... I got nothing. This blog is getting depressingly bad.

    Well, I should say I -had- an Aston Marton, I just saw it flung down the street. Eh, it was out of gas anyway. Aww, eew, someone was inside it. See, stealing my car gets you killed by giants. Let that be a lesson to anyone out there who got a car because giants were rampaging, only to have it stolen the same day. I bet the interior is in just as rough shape now as the exterior. I never thought I'd have to find out how to clean a car interior when someone's insides are now on the outside. You see that kinda stuff on television with those cop dramas, but this is just eew.

    I think I'll run across the street and hide in that building again. They seem to leave it alone. It's a hooters restaurant. I hate that name. There's no owls there. They might as well call it what it really is. Lukewarm cheese sticks served by prostitues. Reminds me of that time last week before all this stuff began. I walked into a Burger King and accidentally ordered the Mcnuggets. And the lady got all mad. I didn't mean to say it, it just happened.

    So fine, I had the chicken tenders, and a Big Mac. I mean a whopper. Whatever. Not like I meant to say it, and she got all offended. So I defended my error by trying to make the counter help have an aneurysm before I left the place. So I asked to see the McManager... Y'know, I could go for a cocktail right now. Just the sight of someone's entrails inside my new, and newly wrecked sports car just makes you want to drink your troubles away. And any other troubles. Drown it in Whiskey. Or maybe Vodka. Well, maybe not vodka. Smirnov tastes like cough syrup without the cherry flavor.

    Aww hell. The bar just got wrecked. How'm I supposed to drink my problems away now? Perfect. Just perfect. I think I need to move. This neighborhood just isn't safe anymore. I hear Peoria Illinois is nice. Hope there's no giant monsters rampaging there...

    Y'know the problem with the mantra just keep running? The giants do too. She caught up with me. I see a giant vixen sole headed my way. At least it's clean of debris and more importantly, other people. It's a rather nice foot. Looks soft and gentle. Maybe death isn't so bad. Is that coca butter I smell? Someone's taking care of her feet. That sole sure is taking it's sweet time. Must be giving me time to 'just keep running' Well, I tell you, I ain't running anymore.

    If I survive, the blog will continue. If not, well, this will be the last post to this blog. Wish me luck, I'm going for it, with a final peek up that dress, I'll stand here and take my licks. Maybe I'll even take a lick.

  • 09-06-2007 9:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Just Keep Running

    Y'know, Denare...I do believe that is the most erotic macro footpaw story I've ever read, doesn't have any friggin' explicit scenes!  That is just the definition of TEASE, you rat-bastard!  ;)  Man, that's...that's just not right!  There should be laws!  LAWS, I tells you!

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 11-03-2007 12:28 PM In reply to

    Re: Just Keep Running

    Now, I suppose you would think I should be scared. I used to be. But we get one or two of these giants a week now. They don't destroy much anymore, since we give them what they want. Not like we can stop them. The army was here once, or what's left of it. Each time they're brought here, their tanks and jeeps are destroyed, and a lot of them are taken. Mostly by the females. Guess giant sex toys are expensive, whereas little soldiers are free.

    A side story by,  Vital

    (The Skirmish with the Giant)



    Puts his head down… Oh the horror…  Yes I know it all to well.  I was there.  I was one of those soldiers.  I don’t know if you saw a dragon running around.  If you did that was me.  It was before I was a General; I was about 15 feet talk at the time not fully grown up yet.  My code name was Vital.



    On the out skirts of Paradise Arizona, the Army and the giants face off one another.


    (Over the Radio)


    General we can’t let the giants secure Paradise Arizona the rest of Arizona will fall.  Destroy the giants units at any cost, is that clear!  General:Affirmative, too all units advance and destroy those giants.  Tanks cover the infantry advance and watch the left flank. Forward Commander:On the way!  Everyone Advance on there positions and engage! 


    Infantry Commander (Vital):

    Moving to the front sir.


    Tank Commander: 



    Forward Commander:

    Open Fire!



    Tanks on our left and right sides started firing missiles and their cannons. Heavy infantry opens fire with everything they had from small arms to missiles.   Vital’s squad continued running forward until they got to the front where the lead tank was.  Incoming cars and vehicles of all types came flying at them.  A dump truck crashes into the middle of a group of ground soldiers and takes out a little armed vehicle.


    Infantry Commander (Vital):

    We are pinned down by enemy fire we need air support!



    Helps on the way!


    Attack Helicopters:

    Roger that. Alright ladies lets get them in our sights.  Get ready for some fireworks. 



    Helicopters fly over the battlefield and opens up with heavy guns and rockets.


    A Random Soldier:



    Infantry Commander (Vital):




    Vital and his squad advance on the giants with large missile launchers.  Then one of the giants picks up the gas tank to the gas station and throws it at the helicopters.


    Attack Helicopters:

    It’s an ambush! Pull back, brake right!



    The gas tank explodes in mid-air when a rocket hit it.  Sending shrapnel all over the place hit all the helicopters.  Helicopters coming crashing down all over the place, the gas within the tank is now on fire and comes down like rain.  Causing fires everywhere including setting the ammo dump on fire at the base.  People are now running all over the place in total chaos.  The giants then run to the army and start throwing the tanks around like they were toys.


    Forward Commander:

    Fallback everyone!


    Infantry Commander (Vital):

    Crap!  Everyone move back to the base.  Run!



    The ammo dump at the base blows up and destroys half the base.


    Infantry Commander (Vital):

    Everyone run for your lives!  Run!



    By this time 80% are all ready dead. Forward Commander remembers what the admiral said, “At any cost!”


    Forward Commander:

    Drop the Mother of All Bombs on my position. 



     One of many giants were about to step on Forward Commander.


    Forward Commander:



    Infantry Commander (Vital):

    We are getting wasted!  Outpost is being over runned!



    Victory firing!


    The explosion toke out the whole battlefield but did little to the giants.  The soldiers that had survived the attack were now one of many things, snacks, stomped into nothing or forced to please them.  I of course wanted nothing of it.  At least the giant called Dave was to busy fighting off the air force on the other side of the skirts of Paradise Arizona.  I was really happy that I didn’t have to deal with him.  So, after the sun went down.  I tried to run for it and fly off.  Only problem was I ended up crashing into one of the giants.  After crashing into the ground she slowly stomped on me with her toes while purring, causing my body to vibrate with pleasure.  I lost all my strength… to much pleasure being stomped on.


    She couldn’t crush me so she rubbed her foot on me, so I decide to tickle one of her feet was much a possible.  I was then totally stomped on.  Then stomped some more on and off about 3 times right before the fourth time I launched my self skyward only to please the giant by crash into her sex.  You know having ones self stuck in this position would be very arousing but this wasn’t the place or time for it.


                All of a sudden while I was trying to get out, I was suddenly pushed all the way in.  Great I thought, now I was her sex toy.  I tried to get out but it was only causing her to yell with pleasure, she hadn’t felt like this in a long time.  She came about 3 times before her let me out cover in her…. Well you get the picture the others wanted to have so fun with me too.  So they stomped me for a bit and then pleased themselves with me.  After being a sex toy for about 9 hours.  They finally fell asleep and I was able to escape from them, not after knowing that two of the many giants were going to have my kids.  I wondered how those kids where going to grow up as dragon/giant hybrids.  The horror I thought!  So, after thinking I walked quietly away about for a mile and flow off to California and never come back.


    The Power of One. It begins with believing and it starts in the heart and flows thought the soul and changes the world.
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