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Pay to play online games

Last post 11-02-2007 7:04 PM by DragonsPeace. 5 replies.
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  • 09-07-2007 6:42 AM

    Pay to play online games

    <debate>Well, since I've kind of introduced myself already and I feel like starting a new topic I thought I'd start a conversation, discussion, debate - whatever you want to call it.  Anyways, I was wondering about you guy's opinions on pay-to-play online games.  Particularly MMORPG's but any in general would do.  What are you guy's thoughts on them?  Are they worth it, etc.?  I, myself, am not a fan of paying to play a game I just dished out money to get in the first place.  How about you?</debate>

  • 09-07-2007 11:12 PM In reply to

    • Blue
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    Re: Pay to play online games

    Me usually neither, as I find the Idea just as stupid. But people here got me testing City of Heroes, and I must say I like it for now.
    As for the money, I will likely try to see it this way: You buy a non-online game, you pay 50 bucks, play throught it in a month or two. You buy City of Heroes it costs you 20 or 25 with City of Villains included, with one free month included plus 14 days trial you can use for getting used to it set up your character that you can even keep (so you can even use a trial to learn, then another to add to your play time), and you pay for three months in advance then which is 35 Euros here (which is likely a little below the dollar price due to the exchange rate), you payed 60 for 4-and-a-half months of game instead of 50 for one or two. Plus maybe 35 more for each three months instead of buying a new game for 50. *shrugs* I still dont like the idea much, and think it should be still a net gain for them with rates of like 5 bucks a month, but...


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  • 09-08-2007 11:19 AM In reply to

    • maksio5
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    Re: Pay to play online games

    personally I hate when I have to pay for playing. It's just stupid

    ones I know though I could recommend 3, if you want to pay.

    StarWars Galaxies, is the best of those I believe, but the most expensive and you not only have to pay subscription, but also pay for buying it 

    then from the trials I've played, EverQuest2 is nice game and you can do the free trial too, not too long but still. Even has furry races

    EVE online. 2 weeks trial, even above, so if you like space sims its something you should play. The game has countless posibilities, not mentioning all the skills you can learn (around 200 I believe...). Really worth the try

    Always knew i didn't belong in this world. I wasn't made for this. But I'll never forget- those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust. I'll be carrying nothing but this lesson: never trust anyone and rely on your instincts. Forget the past. I'll never find peace here. So, I'll seek justice for myself. I'll choose the truth I like.
  • 09-08-2007 9:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Pay to play online games

    I can't say I love monthly fees, but online crack can be addictive.  :)

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
  • 09-10-2007 10:30 AM In reply to

    • Patch
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    Re: Pay to play online games

    Steady cashflow = better advertising, support, and userbase.

    To provide an integrated sense of reality that supports thousands or millions of people all at once, and in real time, requires lots of quality assurance, updates, and most of all, good servers in good locations that can be paid for to run more-or-less nonstop at high speeds, for the rest of ever. The infrastructure needs to be paid for if it's not already in place. (Like, for example, Xbox Live could easily be free, 'cuz Microsoft already has the facilities to do it, much less lots of money already, but they're too greedy to bother.)

    The problem with "pay to play" is when MMOs go out of style, the remaining diehards are left to shoulder the burden for a lesser experience with fewer players. And additionally, who wants to pay to have their time wasted, when there's plenty to do online and elsewhere where you don't have to pay for membership?

    If we look at games like Diablo II or Soldat, we can see that user-run servers mean no unified in-game reality, because each seperate server has to be self-contained (to a degree, anyway), which doesn't bode well for MMOs being user-hosted.

    Although there are free MMOs, we'll see a lot of 2D, text-based, and/or turn-based gameplay from them, often with not-as-much-as-Everquest's number of users online at any given period, because the designers don't have EA or Sony or Activision to pay for advertising spots during Primetime, even if their ideas are better than everyone else's.

    So, is it fair that we might have to pay for MMOs if we play them?

    All I have to say is, "How I mine for fish?"
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  • 11-02-2007 7:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Pay to play online games

    I hate paying for online games.  I normaly test the RPG games before they even come out so there is no real reason for me to get them.  Anyways I like RTS and FPS games more then RPG games.   I have seen alot of RPG games come and go.  Most of them come out and within the first month after release they stop and hope they get enough money back to pay off the people that have them the money.  I have even test RPG games that never came out because it wouldn't sell.  Mostly because of WOW and EVE and one or two RPG games.

    The only reason I can see buy for gaming is a good service and free updates/addons.  That would work but paying monthly for a game only to get nothing in return is a real joke to me.  That is what I think anyways.

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