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Trample animation preview

Last post 12-05-2007 9:45 PM by Dinosorceror. 1 replies.
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  • 12-01-2007 7:48 AM

    Trample animation preview

    while at this stage it is somewhat unfinished, I felt like it was worth showing that I'm still in the biz.

    So sayeth the Humie luver.
    Flappy panel gearbox, 4000 quid?, you'd have to have a flappy panel head!
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  • 12-05-2007 9:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Trample animation preview

    Damn, that PoV view in the middle is sweet, AA!  ;)  And so well's almost like you have a motion capture studio.  :)

     BTW, I changed the link to the web link you should be giving out to people you want to share stuff with, not the FTP link that you use to update the site.  ;)  It points to the same file.

    Dinosorceror, Administrator
    Lava Dome Five Enterprises
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