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I need help...

Last post 01-13-2008 6:26 AM by RipRoarRex. 8 replies.
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  • 01-07-2008 3:54 AM

    I need help...

     No not that kind of help before you say it rippy roarry rexary. im wanting to make a website but i have no idea how to its a website based on me and my friends own made sonic characters what we roleplay as. and i wanna do weekly updates of the story do a section about the characters maybe a forums etc, can anyone help me with this pretty pleaseeeeee

    Fastest thing alive
  • 01-07-2008 4:07 PM In reply to

    Re: I need help...



    Learn HTML. 

    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

    -The Supreme Ismaili Motto
  • 01-07-2008 9:46 PM In reply to

    Re: I need help...

    If you want to make a single webpage, learn XHTML.

    If you want to make a forum/chat for roleplay, then learn PHP.

    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
    I love their paws too! Stompyclaw

  • 01-08-2008 4:19 AM In reply to

    Re: I need help...

     Actually, you wouldn't really need to build a forum out of scratch. There's plenty of free modifiable forums that you can use. :]

    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

    -The Supreme Ismaili Motto
  • 01-09-2008 12:51 AM In reply to

    Re: I need help...

    thanks all but i think im gonna leave this whole website building thing it looks waaaay to complicated for me
    Fastest thing alive
  • 01-10-2008 10:53 AM In reply to

    Re: I need help...

    Come one now, it's not /that/ hard. Just takes a bit of reading into. :]

    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

    -The Supreme Ismaili Motto
  • 01-11-2008 11:34 AM In reply to

    • Blue
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: I need help...

    Well a little table-based old fashioned html with a few piccies here and a few linkies there is pretty easy.

    ( <2cents> As for a forum and such... well its not meant personally, but I wish more people would think about if they really NEED an own forum / chatroom / MUCK / community / whatever, and especially who is gonna use it and whether whatever folks that caters to need yet another place to visit and check regularly. Instead of just using already existing places and contributing to them. </2cents> )

  • 01-12-2008 1:50 PM In reply to

    Re: I need help...

    ok thanks ill look into it  and blue this website is just going to be a website for me and a close friend about our roleplay characters thats all
    Fastest thing alive
  • 01-13-2008 6:26 AM In reply to

    Re: I need help...


     No not that kind of help before you say it rippy roarry rexary

    ?! I object to this outrageous accusation of predicted perception!!

    Lol! Smile

    Dunno about forums, but as I said, NVu is pretty good for this stuff - it's what I make my site with and it's pretty simple. And hey, my knowledge of HTML is pretty limited but I've still given it a go using frontpage software and come out with reasonable results.

    I tend to agree with Blue on one point though - there is an abundance of forums out there which have no real membership and have been created only for the sake of their owners having control or interacting with a select community. Seeing as this is a different interest to the whole LD5-style community however, I suppose it's up to you. Wink



    RipRoarRex - Creator of Rexar

    Visit my new website: RipRoarRex's Realm
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