Hello, my fellow herpetomacropodophiles!! (...do you like giant scaly feet? Then you are one! Lol!) RipRoarRex here once again.
I'm posting today to wish a very happy birthday to my good friend Dinoboy who turns 19 today (29/7/07). As a special treat, I've put together a little gift image for him. Dinoboy sent me a request over a month or so ago asking to see Rexar and his character, Dinoboy the anthroraptor, playing together. I've been so busy that I didn't get round to doing anything on it until 2 days ago, at which point I discovered his birthday was just around the corner. So hey presto, it's now a birthday present! Lol! I'm sure you'll all join me in sharing your best wishes with him, and I'm sure that he won't be the only one who enjoys this image... 
The request started out as a simple buddy pic, then I suggested something between the feet, and in the end, I let my little urges take over and I drew a more 'exciting' image... and note the crucial difference between Dinoboy and Tydo - Dinoboy actually likes Rexar's feet! Lol!

Link: http://download.lavadomefive.com/members/riproarrex/Rexar/RexarHappyBDayDinoboy.png
Hope you all like it, especially the birthday raptor! 
RipRoarRex - Creator of Rexar Visit my new website:
RipRoarRex's Realm