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12 total photos
Last updated on 03-27-2008


  • Posted By: Blue
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Silverclaw-globe animation
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This is something I have been working on for quite a while, and I really like how it turned out. Yes, that big black bulky hugeness is SilverClaw, as should be the default when seeing big black bulky dragons, and I already apologized to him for drawing him that small. ; )
I still didnt manage to save it in a decent format that does not utterly ugly-blur it or mess up the frames or just decide to play at a different speed depending on browser, with my outdated tools. I am sorry for its length and you having to download it thus, if someone can make it a neat gif or something that actually plays at the same speed in the end, I appreciate. Anyway, here you go. Hope you like it as much as I do. : )



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