Our great and spiffy and vastly empty medical bay, with the seating for the helpers.
The artefect inspiration collector
The main room of the old temple with the fire to laze at.
Nice squishiness. For a squishiness.
I count four black dragons I met on a MUCK yet, even with my slow due to still cold brain. I only know of one for sure that he is into trampling (yet of three that they like burying things in their products... )
Does SilverClaw love trampling folks? I never noticed...
Well I finally got to scan the sketchiness from anthrocon. ( Thanks again Drangu! )
This is a sketch I did when I felt like doing something macro, sadly I cannot draw organic things still, and no, it is not gonna get any better if I continue on it so it will never become more than a sketch. Cruel life.
I also hate how that building there is ...
[quote user="Yakitate"]
Since Blue said I should upload this and quit being so lazy... (Next time I'll just let Blue do it and take the credit for it *sighs*)
Yes... I am evil, not?
I still think ...
Tuesday, october 23rd
Everybody insane?
Well I found something really weird. Recently I knocked of the door to some house in Cap town. Actually I felt like releiving myself and only wanted to kindly ask if they'd prefer me overlooding their toilet or creating a lake in their front yard, but the humans that opened the ...
Monday, october 22nd
What to go for from here?
Well thanks to you all, our little base of operataions is pretty neat as it is now. Thank yous. As for what to go for now... well I browsed a lot of technical manuals and other info, and you all likely have heard of the possibilities to hack into other bases' transporter ...
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Screenshot of the cute little generator room of the Jurassic Force base.
Just a test.