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  • Dragon toilet in color now

    Its not more me than a good dragon spooging, but that is what everybody else draws. I finally finished coloring it an eternity, and I dont think I&#39;ll try coloring anything anyime soon, or ever, as it is just way too much work. Anyway, here it is in color:
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 03-27-2008

    That&#39;s a very nice picture, and an amazing background! Did you draw that background all yourself or is that some kind of fancy art effect you ran on it, as I really find&nbsp;the&nbsp;style&nbsp;impressive.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 03-21-2008
  • Re: Jurassic Force (villain supergroup)

    &nbsp; Sunday,&nbsp;march 16th Base complete, pillars? Well the base is so far completed as I think it can get, I added the Grandville beacon today and it thus only lacks the one for the Rikti Warzone, for which in return we only lack the badge upon that Rikti ship that you can only get when the shields are down, which they sadly never ...
    Posted to Jenn's CoX (Forum) by Blue on 03-16-2008
  • Re: Blue POV carstomp

    [quote user=&quot;Ahastar&quot;] I bet Dino loved it to bits. Also Blue doing something stompy! Stop the press! [/quote] I do that all the time. When you are not looking.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 03-14-2008
  • Blue POV carstomp

    Well this is something that I, yes, did for Dino. And send him. With love. I mean, sweets. But I thought of Uraja, I promise. It is an in-joke that at least Uraja will get, and... well the Scion B (or was it Sx for &#39;sux&#39; ?) really looked like it could use some thorough use of giant dino sole. Done at FurCon, I promised someone I&#39;d ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 03-13-2008
  • Re: Irreleavant gay sex. :D

    That&#39;s-a cute. So nice. You&#39;ll have to show Khei, she&#39;ll love that cuddly bear.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 03-07-2008
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