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  • Re: [Daily News] Do you want dream at Godzilla's feet?

    I totally want to steal that statue now. It can be done, I remember when the local ice cream stand had their concrete cow stolen right from under their little red roof! (A funny note, my best friend at the time had a similar-looking cow in his backyard and after word spread all his other friends would ask him if he stole it, even though HIS cow ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 02-11-2008
  • Re: Me and RipRoarRex

    I see what you did there. The business of overlaying your choice of heads over all sorts of real and cartoony bodies has been around a long time. This is pretty clever; I liked it. Except replace &quot;clever&quot; with &quot;goofy&quot; and &quot;liked it&quot; with &quot;performed the rare simultaneous facepalm/headdesk.&quot; &nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 02-11-2008
  • Re: Baloo Mouse Mash (Animation)

    Simple, but wickedly effective. I think it would be safe to say you were inspired by Jungle Book rather than admit you tried to match the character exactly. Apart from the gray fur, I really don&#39;t see a resemblance to the Baloo I know. The background isn&#39;t even close to a jungle, for cryin&#39; out loud!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 12-19-2007
  • Re: Carlos - Interested?

    I&#39;m sorry... but you lost me at &quot;stallion.&quot; I will however admit you almost had me again at &quot;butt.&quot; ...anyway, mega-kudos for hitting 10k pageviews! (10k +15 as of this writing...) As for your coding woes, just say the word and I will help you. If need be, I can revamp the entire page for you and all you would have to do ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 12-19-2007
  • Re: Hey everybody

    No luck from my comp. Maybe it was a fluke. But I will keep that page in mind for when it DOES return. Anyway, bandwagon time. Welcome to the forum! Yes, it&#39;s not as busy as most, but we have our fair share of talented folks, and of course a few who would be capable of so much more if only they were asked, badgered, cajoled, etc. more often. ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 11-27-2007
  • Re: King Koopa's New Throne

    Oooh, a brand new character! Essentially a fur-covered version of Tydo, it seems, but I sure hope you can give him a &quot;little&quot; personality of his own. Two questions. First is that on your page you state your megasprotchy image pages are no longer 56k friendly, and that you&#39;re preparing a streamlined redesign. Have you considered the ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 11-17-2007
  • Re: Hux - Dispelling the Myth

    That&#39;s our RipRoarRex! An equal-opportunity destroyer. No species left behind... or in this case, spared. I will agree with you on the simplicity - the way I see it, it&#39;s a perfectly good leg... and then it just ends. No real definition, just a big ol&#39; cylinder. The average anthro-elephant&#39;s best quality, in my humble opinion, is ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 11-15-2007
  • Re: Internet Finds (scaly, furry, macro, paws, ... )

    Here&#39;s something you wouldn&#39;t expect: a T-Rex chasing a truck, knocking over buildings, smashing cars and everything, for the sake of Doritos. Apparently this brilliant concept has roughly a 20% chance of becoming &quot;the world&#39;s first user-generated game for Xbox Live Arcade.&quot; Not exactly sure what falls into their definition ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 11-11-2007
  • Re: Gears of war

    Excellent shots! What I really need to know is what point in the game you actually encounter that big fella. I&#39;ve completed bits and pieces of the campaign using the public Xbox 360 at the campus rec center but I&#39;ve only seen that &quot;Brumak&quot; in the advertisements for the game that started popping up again in EGM and the ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 11-11-2007
  • Re: The LD5 Arr-Teest Gallery is updated!

    HOORAY!! But wait a minute... where&#39;s my entry? Oh, right...all this time, and I still haven&#39;t drawn anything proper! Yeesh, I really need to get out of doodle-land. I know just how to do it, too, but schoolwork, the comic and those darn addicting vidjamagames keep getting in the way...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 10-22-2007
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