Lava Dome Five

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  • Avatar...?

    Okee, what are the limits on avatar size?&nbsp; How big -- dimensionally -- can an avatar be? &nbsp; I ask because I tried uploading my avatar.&nbsp; But it didn&#39;t appear.&nbsp; After that, I remote linked it from my download.lavadomefive account.&nbsp; However, it still doesn&#39;t appear. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Amnaanth on 06-18-2007
  • Re: How do you like the new forum software?

    &nbsp;Rarr!&nbsp; It&#39;s got Firefox support! &nbsp; And the interface is like it was before, too, in message posting.&nbsp; The whole editing tools schema is there just like before, which I always thought ruled.&nbsp; I&#39;m glad to see it wasn&#39;t done away with. &nbsp; More than anything, though, this software looks quite comprehensively ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Amnaanth on 06-18-2007
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