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  • Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    So does this mean that you&#39;ll be saving the one from this year as well and posting it to the forums?&nbsp;
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-29-2007
  • Re: LD5 Match Game, Sunday Dec 30, 10:30am Faibanx time!

    &nbsp;*awws*&nbsp; That&#39;s no good.&nbsp; I&#39;ll be at work.&nbsp; *ohs as he notices it&#39;s Sunday and not Saturday*&nbsp; Darn, I&#39;ll still be at work.
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-28-2007
  • Re: Sanctum of Pain (serious gory raptor bondage)

    I looked at this quite a few times.&nbsp; At first I thought that was blood I saw on it, then I thought that might be the skin color, then I went back to my first thought.&nbsp; Oddly... I like it, but I have to agree with Dino on that one.&nbsp; Did the person do this to him/herself?&nbsp; I&#39;m still trying to figure out what&#39;s going on ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-23-2007
  • Merry Christmas and Resolutions?

    Just wanting to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!&nbsp; Probably won&#39;t have the time to do that until after Christmas so I thought I&#39;d get that out of the way now.&nbsp; So have you all planned out any New Year&#39;s Resolutions yet?&nbsp; Can&#39;t wait til Christmas you say?&nbsp; I&#39;m excited on the inside, but I ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-23-2007
  • Re: Ok...Most attractive claws/paws for you?

    &nbsp;Personally, I&#39;m all for padded paws.&nbsp; I&#39;d rather add claws to make it a more complete picture, but I don&#39;t necessarily HAVE to have them.&nbsp; Depends on what animal I&#39;m thinking about but in general I tend to like furry paws better.&nbsp; Nothing against scalies though.&nbsp; They still have a soft spot in my heart. ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-19-2007
  • Re: Interesting view of Life - Passage

    &nbsp;Awesome.&nbsp; Thanks a lot.&nbsp; Never have used any of the tools yet.&nbsp; Now I know.&nbsp; Though I&#39;ll probably be too lazy to use it since it opens up a new window to use its features.&nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-13-2007
  • Re: Interesting view of Life - Passage

    &nbsp;And for an interesting more in-depth discussion as to this game (and where I found out about it)&nbsp; you can look here: Quick Q: How do you hyperlink text?&nbsp; Does html work?&nbsp; Or is it a BBC code?&nbsp; I still haven&#39;t figured ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-12-2007
  • Interesting view of Life - Passage

    Just thought I&#39;d share this game with you guys.&nbsp; It&#39;s a really deep and interesting game and I don&#39;t know how much you&#39;ll get out of it, but it is neat and I think shows how video games can be an art form.&nbsp; Either way, here&#39;s the ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-11-2007
  • Re: Power outage

    &nbsp;Well, at least it seems that I&#39;m not the only one going through all this bad weather.&nbsp; Over here in Oklahoma we have Ice Storm 2007 it seems.&nbsp; Took me twice as long to get back to my apartment today due to crappy road conditions and myself fishtailing a couple of times and scaring the crap out of myself.&nbsp; But in the end I ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-09-2007
  • Re: Need...some advice...

    [quote user=&quot;Talon&quot;] &nbsp; Hi, Tearyel! Listen... straight, bi or gay, you are YOU! You can&#39;t be more, and you SHOULDN&#39;T be less! If you should find out that you are bi, there&#39;s nothing to worry about. In fact you found outsomething new about yourself, and this is one of the most important things in life. Don&#39;t be ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 12-02-2007
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