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  • Re: Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    &nbsp;I got like the whole thing digitized from the VHS I found, and I wouldn&#39;t be against making it available as I&#39;m pretty sure nobody gave a care about this movie after the VHS came out like over ten years ago.&nbsp; It&#39;s just a matter of getting the 400~500 MB file up somewhere or other. &nbsp;As a somewhat unrelated sidenote, ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Selendro on 02-15-2008
  • Hooray terrible 90s B Movies (Tammy and the T-Rex squish)

    You never know what you&#39;re going to find when you&#39;re perusing the B movie kingdom, and it just so happens that I found THIS tonight.&nbsp; Maybe everyone already knows, but I haven&#39;t seen it floating around the great intertube so here&#39;s a video I made.&nbsp; Lacking a good alternative in my brain, I used Senduit to host the file ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Selendro on 02-14-2008
  • Re: Reawakening the sleeping dragon.

    Can&#39;t really speak for anyone other than myself, but it is kind of still the holidays for a lot of people, which might have something to do with the deadness lately.&nbsp; And I would agree that I tend towards smaller groups of people anyway. &nbsp;Perhaps I will try to lurk less. &nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Selendro on 01-17-2008
  • Re: Some stuff I forgot about

    Well, in all cases so far I have not been the originator of the models.&nbsp; Simple shapes are about the limit of my abilities in that realm, and I barely have time as it is.&nbsp; They were either freebies of the net, or I bought them.&nbsp; I haven&#39;t done too much of the latter, since it does get expensive quick, but that dragon model was ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 12-11-2007
  • Some stuff I forgot about

    I actually made this like a month ago, but forgot about it!&nbsp; I mean, here&#39;s something brand new and definitely not old or anything.&nbsp; It was going to be more complicated but then I got lazy.&nbsp; Whoops, they are the huge, apparently, so I&#39;ll try links instead. One Two Three Four Five &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 12-09-2007
  • More stuff, though I am the slow.

    I put clothes on that model and it looked halfway decent!&nbsp; Success. &nbsp;Also, feets. &nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 12-06-2007
  • Re: Need...some advice...

    &nbsp;*crawls out of hole* &nbsp;I don&#39;t post much here or anywhere else for that matter.&nbsp; I&#39;m usually content to just post my crap and disappear.&nbsp; It seemed that it might be important to say a couple things, though, since you&#39;re having trouble here.&nbsp; I&#39;m probably only going to be able to reinforce things that have ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Selendro on 12-03-2007
  • Re: LD5 Dream

    Last night I dreamed I had breakfast with Patrick Stewart.&nbsp; Rather unrelated, I know, but I felt like posting it anyway.&nbsp; The funny thing was he was in English king mode and talking with me about how he had to go to war with France.&nbsp;
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Selendro on 11-19-2007
  • Re: Dragon 3D Model

    I actually got the skin texture from here in the Stomp Stomp Devastation section on FTP.&nbsp; Also, I&#39;ve been pondering editing it a bit so it stretches less.&nbsp; Here it is:
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 11-08-2007
  • Dragon 3D Model

    So, this isn&#39;t all that exciting yet, but I managed to put together this model in rather Frankenstein fashion from three different ones.&nbsp; I think it came out pretty good.&nbsp; Now if I can only find the time to do something with it... &nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 11-06-2007
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