Lava Dome Five

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  • Speared and levelled

    Okay, so here`s something new from your Spino. I hope some of you enjoy it, humans just don`t deserve a better treatment than what I am doing to them, HARRHARRHARR! Something´s sticking to my claw Speared and levelled Gloomy version
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-03-2007
  • Re: Sorry, Bye @all

    Hi! Yes, I am back, I thought some things over, and now I am here again, looking forward to supply you with some more paw related stuff sometime soon.
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Spino on 08-02-2007
  • Sorry, Bye @all

    Sorry! I couldn&#39;t find an area where to introduce or to say good bye. Therefore I hope this is the right one. &nbsp; Hello everyone. Unfortunately, I&#39;m going to leave you. I realized that this is not really my world. I made the picture only out of frustration, but I nocticed that that will not change anything about my hate of humans and ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Spino on 07-24-2007
  • Re: Feeding Time

    Thanks for your comments! &nbsp; @ Blue: *lol* No^^ It has rained. @ DragonsLover: The houses are pre-made models, I just positioned them like this
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-18-2007
  • Feeding Time

    Do I look like your daddy, or what? Do raptors have to be fed? Well, not everyone can feed them... I can! *g* made with (DAZ Studio) KLICK!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-17-2007
  • Re: Stomp Plateau

    Thanks for all comments, I´m very happy
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-09-2007
  • Re: Stomp Plateau

    Thanks @all
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-06-2007
  • Stomp Plateau

    So, here is something new from your Spino, I hope you like it. What should I say about it? Somehow this dude is flat. ^^ Haven fun while viewing. Crush all Humans. ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-05-2007
  • Re: Spinozilla!

    Thanks DragonsLover! I don&#39;t know yet, because it&#39;s hard to create an animation in DAZ Studio and I can&#39;t handle Poser yet. Maybe sometime later, but I will support you with Crush and Stomp arts as good as I can. *g*
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 06-21-2007
  • Re: Spinozilla!

    *g* Thanks^^&nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 06-20-2007
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