Lava Dome Five

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  • Random Pic of the week

    Just to do a little intro.&nbsp; I got alot of pics of feet from various of cartoons and video games.&nbsp; Some people who do know me, are surprised how big my collection is.&nbsp; Not to brag, I probably have the biggest.&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the times the cartoon shows are on&nbsp;tv, since I dont have a capture card, I have to use my digital ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Jd1680a on 09-16-2007
  • Re: Blue Dragon

    [quote user=&quot;Dinosorceror&quot;] Anyone else aware of this upcoming American XBox 360 release?&nbsp; Seems to have a very high herpy content, from characters to monsters. [/quote] Im aware of this game.&nbsp; Hoping it will some day come out for the PC.&nbsp; Some of the monsters look really cool and have some nice animation.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Jd1680a on 09-16-2007
  • Two Worlds (Game)

    There is a new game that came out really recently.&nbsp; I bought it about a week ago and took me some time to be able to finish it.&nbsp; Along the way there are some really cool monsters.&nbsp; There is a dragon and couple of other cool guys with nice look feet. This Hell Warrior is exposing his sole to me.&nbsp; He is saying, look at my ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Jd1680a on 09-16-2007
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