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  • Re: Need...some advice...

    I never knew you had an FA account, Tearyel.&nbsp; But in my opinion, I have to agree with Blue.&nbsp; People are people.&nbsp; Everyone is different and everyone has their own kinks.&nbsp; People shouldn&#39;t hate on others just because they don&#39;t think the same way as them or because they act differently.&nbsp; That&#39;s what&#39;s fun ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-29-2007
  • Re: Dinosaucers episodes online

    &nbsp;Though I&#39;m not 100% sure, I think you just made Dino&#39;s day, emeraldwolf.&nbsp; I watched what was deemed episode 1 so far and I don&#39;t think I truly remember this show and it just didn&#39;t spark the interest in me at all.&nbsp; (Wish there was a true pilot because none of it made sense.)&nbsp; Does it get better at all?
    Posted to Dinosaucers (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-29-2007
  • Re: me new 2

    &nbsp;Hey, guess I should start welcoming everyone as well.&nbsp; Good to have ya.&nbsp; Hope you enjoy this place as much as I have so far.&nbsp; Too bad there aren&#39;t as many registered users connected as I see unregistered every day.&nbsp; Oh how popular the forums would be if that were to happen...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-25-2007
  • Re: Hey everybody

    [quote user=&quot;5-D&quot;] &nbsp; oops, meant Fur Affinity is down, I don&#39;t actually have my own website. I still don&#39;t have enough finished art to justify anything like that, its really nice of you to offer hosting though, thanks :) [/quote]&nbsp; &nbsp;Yeah, I&#39;m pretty down about that as well.&nbsp; That&#39;s what I figured ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-25-2007
  • Re: FurCon '08 - Who's going?

    I know not me.&nbsp; School takes up too much of my time and such.&nbsp; Really wish I could go though.&nbsp; Sound like it&#39;d be a blast to hang out with everyone.&nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-25-2007
  • Re: Bears Are Godless Killing Machines

    [quote user=&quot;Patch&quot;] I&#39;ve actually watched the film called Grizzly Man, which is about Treadwell. It was way intense. If it&#39;s the fight that was included in the documentary, there&#39;s poop in the clip, FYI.&nbsp; [/quote]&nbsp; I&#39;ve never seen the movie before personally, nor did I know it existed, but yes, this must be ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-14-2007
  • Re: Hux - Dispelling the Myth

    &nbsp;[quote user=&quot;Haxx&quot;] Interesting Picture, I have to admit I don&#39;t think ive ever seen elephant art here either.&nbsp; That rat in that picture though reminds me of someone who goes on faibanx though as he is also a rat as well &nbsp; [/quote] Are you talking about Savant?&nbsp; I haven&#39;t seen him in... forever.&nbsp; Any ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-14-2007
  • Bears Are Godless Killing Machines

    Hey, just thought some of you might like this, but here&#39;s an interesting video taken by Grizzly Man Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard.&nbsp; Anyways, you can read the description if you look at it but here&#39;s the link.&nbsp; It&#39;s a video of a pair of bears duking it out.
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-14-2007
  • Godzilla: Unleashed Screenshots... Vorish

    Hey, I stumble upon these on the internet.&nbsp; I don&#39;t think this game&#39;s out, but then again, I don&#39;t usually keep up with the Godzilla games since they seem more gimmicky than anything, but I did find a few pics that look like something a vore person would like.... someone like me?&nbsp; Either way, I found them only slightly ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-14-2007
  • Re: Hux - Dispelling the Myth

    [quote user=&quot;Dinosorceror&quot;] Interesting observation...and sexy picture.&nbsp; :)&nbsp; I&#39;d like to see more anthro elephants myself...they&#39;d have feet like an anthro apatosaurus in my mind, and I think those are some of the sexiest feet.&nbsp; :) [/quote]&nbsp; I&#39;m not so sure about the elephant feet, but I do like ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Yakitate on 11-14-2007
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