Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: Dragon takes care of a house.

    [quote user=&quot;billythecat128&quot;] I&#39;d really &#39;LUV&#39; to see the final animation of this baby! [/quote]&nbsp; &nbsp;I started with animation, actually and have just recently tried more stills. Backwards I know.&nbsp; I&#39;ve done some animations that don&#39;t quite fall under the umbrella of this site, and some turned out ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 08-09-2007
  • Dragon takes care of a house.

    &nbsp;Hi.&nbsp; Well, I suck at introductions so let&#39;s cut to the chase.&nbsp; This is kind of a storyboard of a very large dragon stepping on a mysteriously untextured house.&nbsp; Pretty simple, yet effective.&nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Selendro on 08-09-2007
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