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  • Re: Zulkov the Dragon

    Sweet!&nbsp; Have you thought about making one of them flying or running?&nbsp; Looks like a real story builder.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Keep up the great work!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-06-2007
  • Re: New Aleihr and Vanessa pics!

    Duh.... the archery targets in the background... Man, I am dumb.&nbsp; Oops... my bad.&nbsp; Ok, I understand now....&nbsp; oh... white underside... cough.. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; No problem here...&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; I got to say you have openned my eyes.&nbsp; Thanks and Great job!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-06-2007
  • Re: Embracing Darkness

    Bottom view is normally the bloodies ones....&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, this is a serious crunching up form.&nbsp; It looks painful in so&nbsp;many ways I couldn&#39;t tell you them all.&nbsp; Ouchy.....&nbsp;Yes, I to have a self healing ability to I can be stomp over and over again like&nbsp;you.&nbsp; I think a stomp&nbsp;once a ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-06-2007
  • Re: anyone?

    Played it for a month and didn&#39;t play it again.&nbsp; Sorry not my type of game.&nbsp;
    Posted to Jenn's CoX (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-06-2007
  • Re: Across the universe.... and then some.....

    You know I felt small already next to everyone else here but know I feel like I am a particle.&nbsp; &nbsp; Dust in the wind if you know what I mean.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LOL!&nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-06-2007
  • Re: Dynamic Trample Simulation

    Talking about being stepped on.&nbsp; &nbsp; Great job there using maya.&nbsp; Really nice models!&nbsp;&nbsp;Nice&nbsp;dynamics too.&nbsp; I have used Maya in the past.&nbsp; Its a great 3d tool, wish I still knew how to use it.... its been about a year now.... sigh.....&nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-06-2007
  • Re: Embracing Darkness

    I have seen some bloody stomps before but this one takes the cake and the left over crumbs.&nbsp; Wow!&nbsp; Whats the most graphical picture I have seen.&nbsp; Is this view from underground?&nbsp; I am a dragon but (Head/Wings – Gold and Blue),(Body – Gold)&nbsp; Also who is being stomped and who is doing the stomping.&nbsp; Just wondering.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-05-2007
  • Re: Aleihr: Viking Huskarl

    I understand, but I would like to say Nicely Done!&nbsp; The extra work really increased the detail to knight.&nbsp;&nbsp;I also&nbsp;love the addition to the belt.&nbsp;&nbsp;I belive it is a dagger.&nbsp; It looks great!&nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-04-2007
  • Re: New Aleihr and Vanessa pics!

    I love the forms and the color is nice without the shadding put in.&nbsp; I would how ever say that Aleihr legs are to small for the upper body and armed.&nbsp; In they were a bit bigger and longer it would be great.&nbsp; Love those weapons! Personal I think Vanessa weapon is so sweet I want it.&nbsp; Also about Vanessa middle part of her neck ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-04-2007
  • Re: Zulkov the Dragon

    Sweet, an Air Cavalry attachment.&nbsp; By the looks of that ride you could almost traval as fast on the ground as in the air.&nbsp; That would be a real fast ride.&nbsp; Also, nice wings and tail!&nbsp; Looks as if it was made for speed.&nbsp; I bet you get paw or two after riding each time.&nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-04-2007
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