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  • Re: Growlmon Crushes Kayne (Warning: pics 4&5 contain blood)

    Wow, I would have never thought of that.&nbsp; Being stomped on someones foot.&nbsp; Double stomped .&nbsp; Nicely done.&nbsp; Seing from a view I rarely see.&nbsp; Some times I think about making a animation like that...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-04-2007
  • Re: Nice stompy Flash music video

    Sweet find!&nbsp; I couldn&#39;t help but laugh at it for a while but totally understand it at the same time.&nbsp; LOL!&nbsp; &nbsp; I think I will look around for some flash stuff and post it.&nbsp; Cheers!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-04-2007
  • Re: So here we go, impossible again

    Yes, I know what you mean.&nbsp; My game has been in the making for a year and a half now....&nbsp; really sad isn&#39;t it.&nbsp; I never used that program before but I have heard of it.&nbsp; I don&#39;t know programming very well.&nbsp; I know ini files and how to add things to the game engine I am working on.&nbsp; I am guessing but I think I ...
    Posted to Faibanx 3D (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-04-2007
  • Re: Just Keep Running

    [quote user=&quot;Denare&quot;]Now, I suppose you would think I should be scared. I used to be. But we get one or two of these giants a week now. They don&#39;t destroy much anymore, since we give them what they want. Not like we can stop them. The army was here once, or what&#39;s left of it. Each time they&#39;re brought here, their tanks and ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
  • Re: LD5 Dream

    This dream seems to be filled with doors and things that you must get passed to move on to another problem.&nbsp; Sounds like you were on your way to finish your task and have to fun on the way if you know what I mean. lol.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you can&#39;t go around them, eat them or crush them. LOL!&nbsp; I love that!&nbsp; Thats very funny ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
  • Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    No, this can&#39;t be...&nbsp;42.1% of us haven&#39;t ever seen a Dinosaucers episode!&nbsp; No way!&nbsp; This just can&#39;t be.... well I hope you guys will hit up utube and watch some eps.&nbsp; I loved it and I still do.&nbsp; I wish I could find eps that have great quality, but still great to watch even if it isn&#39;t the best ...
    Posted to Dinosaucers (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
  • Re: Dimetro's ship...

    Has anyone goten any screenshots yet?&nbsp; Well anyways why did you need them.&nbsp; Going to draw them in one of your pictures or maybe model it maybe?&nbsp; Let us know.&nbsp; Cheers!
    Posted to Dinosaucers (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
  • Re: So here we go, impossible again

    What game engine are you using.&nbsp; I could help, I have modded many game from Star Trek Armada to Command Conquer Games.&nbsp; Also did some map building in the unreal engine imported my very own models.&nbsp; Yes, I model too.&nbsp; I use&nbsp;3D Max Studio and Photoshop.&nbsp; I am a bit rusty but I jump back on it.&nbsp; Also, I am making my ...
    Posted to Faibanx 3D (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
  • Re: Comic Strip for 7-30-07: Leap Of Faith

    Nice action packed comic strip.&nbsp; Its more like a storyboard then a comic strip.&nbsp; You could use it to make a real movie or even a animation movie.&nbsp; Starts wondering......&nbsp; Well anyways it looks great.&nbsp; Great job!&nbsp;
    Posted to BoomerExpress (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
  • Re: Aleihr: Viking Huskarl

    Great Picture!&nbsp;&nbsp;I wish I could draw like that.&nbsp; I like everything but how the feet and legs are.&nbsp; The&nbsp;right leg on this Knight&nbsp;seems longer then the left.&nbsp; I would say almost&nbsp;one foot more.&nbsp; Yes, I know drawing dragon&nbsp;legs is not&nbsp;easy I have tried many times to draw dragon&nbsp;legs and ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-03-2007
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