Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: Revived Dragonhood

    yeah he&#39;s cute but, an di know this sounds kind of nuts, he still generates dark spirits in me so I won&#39;t be using him as an alternate form.&nbsp; I will keep a dragon character by the name of Deep-Six, but i may just make him a dino, nothin wrong with dinos for me.&nbsp; Some type of morph of a rex or maybe a compy, or just a tricked out ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-14-2007
  • Re: Revived Dragonhood

    hmm i dunno, but it&#39;s there. anyway, I&#39;m not sticking with him, i just needed to focus on it intently so I&#39;d get bored and go back to my roo.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-13-2007
  • Re: BraveStarr DVD collection released!

    okay dino, you got my intrest [damn equine lust] I&#39;m takin a lookie see on youtube. neat stuff.
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Karo on 07-12-2007
  • Revived Dragonhood

    &nbsp; sorry the scanner F-ed with my colors in an unexpected way but, the chest and everything is suposed to be bright green not jungle. the cross is ment to be teal.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-12-2007
  • Re: Niiice

    Parts? whose parts? who told you? he lies i never touched his sexy dragon parts I....oh you mean the forums and art n stuff....right...yeah happy to be back. *grins sheepishly and sweatdrops*
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Karo on 07-12-2007
  • Re: Rexar - Sneakers Off

    murrr, me likes
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-11-2007
  • Re: Is it over?

    I went and will soon have a couple macro shots of some fursuiters in stomping pose, if the pics came out all right [I was usung a throw away] I met Blue there and I believe Kurra if I remember correctly.
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Karo on 07-11-2007
  • Niiice

    alright, well this is the first post of mine since the update which i only saw yesterday.&nbsp; I saw Blue at AC and descided I needed to get my rear in gear and browse around here more often.&nbsp; Very nice, and so user freindly.&nbsp;&nbsp; I&#39;ve also descided that for all intenents and purposes i will use my dragon self here for a bit, as ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Karo on 07-11-2007
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