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  • Pay to play online games

    &lt;debate&gt;Well, since I&#39;ve kind of introduced myself already and I feel like starting a new topic I thought I&#39;d start a conversation, discussion, debate - whatever you want to call it.&nbsp; Anyways, I was wondering about you guy&#39;s opinions on pay-to-play online games.&nbsp; Particularly MMORPG&#39;s but any in general would ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 09-07-2007
  • Re: For my first post...

    Oh, hey Dino, I do have a quick question for you.&nbsp; Are the reply pages suppose to take a while to load?&nbsp; They seem to take a bit to get loaded up for me.&nbsp; Just wondering.&nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 09-05-2007
  • Re: For my first post...

    &nbsp;Just thought I&#39;d make myself known at least.&nbsp; Seems my next big task is to find myself an avatar.&nbsp; But yeah, I&#39;m a Faibanx person but I decided I&#39;d see what the forums have as well.&nbsp; If anything it might make Blue a bit happier. In response to Dragon though, I&#39;m not French.&nbsp; Actually, I&#39;m an ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 09-04-2007
  • For my first post...

    Hey everyone, just thought I&#39;d introduce myself on the forums since I&#39;ve never posted on here before.&nbsp; Anyways, I&#39;d like to share a couple of interesting pictures with you all.&nbsp; The first is a stunning photo of a sunset in Cairo, Egypt.&nbsp; Pretty Amazing ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Yakitate on 09-03-2007
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