Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: Aleihr's Profile

    Actually I got it to work. I just wrote it out in MS Word, then copy and pasted. Stats and everything included. Why? Because I&#39;m orginaly a Forums RPer, its a profile setup preferance that I don&#39;t see leaving.
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-20-2007
  • Aleihr's Profile

    (I just tried to update my character profile in the muck and I don&#39;t know how to do it in a neat way. Untill someone can tell me how to do it, I&#39;ll just post it here.) Name: Aleihr Alexander Hawk Gender: Male Species: Dragon Occupation: Adventurer/ Viking Berserker Age: 25 Standard Height: 7 ft Hair: Mahogany Eyes: ...
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-19-2007
  • Re: The Xenoturian Saga

    Episode 7 Even his bronze hauberk was a little heavy, and it took Aleihr months of exercising and working out wearing the protective garnment to get well conditioned to the weight. So for right now, the warrior would need to pass on the iron hauberk. Bearing his conditioning training in mind, he was confident that his body would be able to ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-18-2007
  • Re: The Xenoturian Saga

    Episode Five Vanessa smiled at him as if silently laughing, What, so that you can talk about girls with them? How do you plea, Aleihr answered laughingly, Guilty as charged. Chuckling, the dragoness ranger declared, Then hear by charge you with a lifetime sentence of friendship. Case dismissed., Aleihr laughed, You have a good sense of ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-18-2007
  • Re: The Xenoturian Saga

    Episode Three When they packed up their knapsacks, they soon set out with the berserker gang to return back to the harbor. It was but a few hours later that they soon stood before a formidable looking base encased by a timber palisades. Several guard towers dotted the sturdy wooden walling, faintly seen were archers armed with ash longbows ready ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-18-2007
  • Re: The Xenoturian Saga

    Episode Two: Still in the forest, they felt uneasy about the thought of needing to sleep the night in it, but their inner adventurers made them brave it. After all, their lives did perhaps depend on this sleep. Alexander volunteered, If you dont mind, Ill take first shift. Youll need the rest more since how older you are and all. Miguel ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-18-2007
  • The Xenoturian Saga

    (This is the story behind my main character. At first it won&#39;t have much furry involvement, but once Aleihr&#39;s adventure truely begins, so does the heavy furry and macro involvement. I will post what episodes I have written currently, as I&#39;ve been doing this series on anouther forum, and like on it, I will add anouther episode every two ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Aleihr Hawk on 06-18-2007
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