Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: New forum on the way!

    Lol - it's amusing for me to note that LD5 is undergoing dramatic changes at the same time as my site is undergoing similarly big transformations! Lol! I dare say you guys will get LD5 sorted much sooner than I get mine done, even with your much greater workload! Good luck with it anyway - I'm looking ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 04-10-2008
  • Rocky - Puppy in the Paws

    Hiya, everyone - RipRoarRex here, finally getting off my backside and finishing some more of my request list! Lol! This was done as a request for Wolf AKA lkjhlkjh on FA who wanted to see a nervous naked furry getting a pawrub from Rocky, so Mike seemed to fit the bill perfectly! I struggled to find a suitable angle that I was actually capable ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-30-2008
  • Re: Double Digi Domination

    [quote user="Sprotchymon"] Growlmon looks awfully skinny to me, but I suppose that's the small price of being Rexified. [/quote] To be honest, I'm with you on that one - I faffed around with his body shape for nearly 2 hours because I just couldn't get him to look right, and even though this one made him look a little ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-07-2008
  • Double Digi Domination

    Hello everyone, RipRoarRex busy with more artwork for ya. This picture is very much me blasting out art for my massive forced paw-sniffing kink (so apologies to anyone who is put off by the idea! The scent can still be left open to interpretation, y'know...!). I needed two suitable dominating characters, and Growlmon and Exveemon leapt ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-05-2008
  • Re: TwistedSnake - 'Eat This!'

    [quote user="Dinosorceror"] I think that's an awesome pic, and your comment about human giantess has me wondering if there's some art of yours I need to see privately.  :) [/quote] Heh, sadly my GTS efforts have been abysmal and I haven't got any sketches to show anymore. I just can't draw human faces (probably ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-05-2008
  • Re: The Pulverizer

    Saw this over on Eccentricities and I'm impressed - definitely an 'entertaining' Ahastarian sequence there. (I like that term. Dunno. Just encapsulates the style and content. Lol!)
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-05-2008
  • TwistedSnake - 'Eat This!'

    Howdy, everyone. RipRoarRex back with art. >gasp!< RipRoarRex actually getting through his request list?! It can't be!!! Lol - I've finally started getting to work on churning out some of the requests on my list, and Twistedsnake's was next. He wanted me to draw his character, TwistedSnake the anthtro-rattler, in a particularly ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-01-2008
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