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  • Re: New forum on the way!

    Wow, I wasn't really aware of half of those issues until now... I of course use Firefox but never noticed "holes" or cut-off text in any pages. Not sure about the cookie bug. I clicked "Remember Me" once and I haven't had to re-login since. I couldn't get my head around how to post an image in the "Photos" ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 04-02-2008
  • Re: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Friend Codes

    Brawl Friend Codes (not to be confused with general Wii Friend Codes) are found by first selecting the Wifi option from the game's main menu and (by hook or by crook) getting the internet connection to work right. Rom there, just select "With Friends" and then "Friend Roster." From there, you can see your current avatar, ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 04-01-2008
  • Re: New forum on the way!

     What. (must... resist urge... to image-macro... the admin...) Seriously... WHAT. What the fruit and fiber is wrong with the current custom forum server? If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Sure, posting replies and loading pages was somewhat on the slow side for the first month or so of this iteration, but things are fine ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 04-01-2008
  • Re: What any pawslut would do in a situation like this....

    Well, this is positively spectacular. Shading and texture are one thing, not to imply your skill at such is nothing short of awesome, but the three-dimensional curves emphasizing muscle and bone under the scales adds to the realism in ways never before imagined. I only have one issue with this piece. We are as close to the ground as the *murrrr* ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 03-23-2008
  • Re: Super Sprotch Brothers Brawl!

    Giant Green Bowser I can handle, but which Link? The roster includes two versions; Twilight Princess and Wind Waker! A full list of alternate colors for every character is super-conveniently located here!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 03-19-2008
  • Re: Super Sprotch Brothers Brawl!

    Good news, everyone! I've managed to snap and upload a whole new batch of screenshots! The update is divided as such:  -For Giran, a color comparison between Normal and Green Bowser, and Normal Bowser stomping Pikachu, slamming Pikachu, and (this part takes imagination) forcing Pikachu to sniff his feet. (That should satisfy ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 03-18-2008
  • Re: Super Sprotch Brothers Brawl!

    Giran: POV is hard to get, I'm afraid, as pausing during standard brawls only lets me rotate the camera up to about 60 degrees in either direction. Trophies do not have these limitations, so I'll see what I can do there. Just tell me what color you want Bowser to be (Normal, Red, Green, Black) and his target and I'll get right on it!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 03-13-2008
  • Super Sprotch Brothers Brawl!

    As you may know, Brawl is now available in the US, and I'll tell you right now that it does in fact life up to the hype. What all the other gamer nerds won't tell you is that there's plenty of fun to be had between all the paws, claws and size-shifting items. So I'm doing what I can to share the wealth! So far, I've taken a ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 03-12-2008
  • Re: Double Digi Domination

    Wicked good digital art, here. The shading and facial expressions are top notch. Growlmon looks awfully skinny to me, but I suppose that's the small price of being Rexified. Thanks for not overlapping any part of the image with text! and you are right, backgrounds here are overrated, just like a backstory.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 03-06-2008
  • Re: Faibanx Town Square comics - Episode 11: Suck it!

    Aw Blue, you've warmed my pixelated heart with your sprited sprotchyness. It will never go out of style! I would never be able to guess any past or present characters (other than Talon) but it doesn't matter to me - this stuff is GOLD! (Well... mixed with other bodily fluids I'd rather not mention)
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Sprotchymon on 02-11-2008
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