Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: LD5 Dream

    I just had a dream.  Not just any dream but a epiphany type dream.   I learned alot during the dream too.  (1) One part is not to fall asleep when you are going to be a part of something specail.  Listen and learn, form the things around you, understand yourself and explore the unexplored.   ...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-25-2007
  • Re: Gizmo and the world?

    Would you mind if I could give it a shot.  I have the following star fields, sun, earth and its atmosphere.    I think the fox would have to be done by from scratch.  That would be the hard part.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-24-2007
  • Re: Godzilla: Unleashed Screenshots... Vorish

    Thats my first Godzilla vore I have ever seen.  I know there are some games with vore in them but nothing that graphical.... nice catch there!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-24-2007
  • Re: another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

    HAHA!    Thats too funny,  Nice picture.  The second one looks more 3d ish.  Great job, also I totally get the joke. 
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-24-2007
  • Re: King Koopa's New Throne

    Oh, I want one! I want Footslave 5000!   I am 20 feet Tall, does it come in my size? Also, is there a possibility that I change the slave?  Like instead of that type, I would like a gold female dragon... if possible.  If so, I am sold!  Cheers!    Also nicely done!    I love that shot.  ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-16-2007
  • Re: Gizmo and the world?

    Everyone hag on!!!  They are going to play Space Volley Ball! Hahaha nice picture...  Love the eyes and ears.  This picture looks great!  If only there was a cookie bit moon in the background .   Nice sun over the head shot.  This would make one hell of an 3d animation shot.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-16-2007
  • Re: Gears of war

    Sweet more pictures. I personaly like the way the feet and legs are shaped.   
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-16-2007
  • Re: Rampage Comic for Shinzo!! =3

    Nicely done.    I like the Red Fox with yellow hair... with the incoming foot.  Nice over all view.    Where do you shop for pants that huge? 
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-16-2007
  • Re: Gears of war

    Nice!  Yes, Gear of War is one of the most graphical games out there.  Those are some nice screen shots.  Great job!  I personal think that it would have been great to see that monster step on some one.     I love the 1st, 3rd, 8th and the 10th one.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-11-2007
  • Re: gizmo in the city

    The biggest fox I have ever seen.....  Nice tail and feet.  Love where the clouds are.  Is this a night? 
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by DragonsPeace on 11-10-2007
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