Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: LD5 Dream

    Wow. Most fun I have had with my dreams are the ones where I can fly like a dragon. Those are extra fun when I realize I am dreaming, and I can cut loose and have fun in ways I cant in reality.
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by PhantomSecretScout on 11-14-2007
  • Re: Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    My first time watching Dinosaucers was during the Dino Power Hour on USA. I must say, its good to see them up on Utube for however long they will keep them up. It was that show that got me interested in Dinosaurs (That, and Jurassic Park) Later on, when Dinosaucers wasnt on, Extreme Dinosaurs filled in the Dino gap. Now I can feel like a kid again ...
    Posted to Dinosaucers (Forum) by PhantomSecretScout on 11-12-2007
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